
Thursday, March 27, 2014

I Miss The Forest

I've been enjoying the nice weather we've been having around here. Even though the temperatures have dropped slightly, we've pretty much had spring days around here.We had almost no snow this winter, but we sure did have cold. I'm glad that cold is gone, but I kind of miss the snow.

Another thing I miss is the forest. Living here in Iowa, I've noticed that there aren't as many trees as there are back in Michigan. Maybe some areas have more, but we have mostly open grassland. There are small forests in places, and I go to them as often as I can, but I have yet to get back to them this spring.

My picture today is from one of those places. It was still hunting season when I was there so I didn't go in. I was just there for a few minutes to take in the sights and sounds of nature. With the warmer weather, I'm expecting animals to come out a little bit more, so I keep telling myself I'll be out there on the nature trails soon.

I hope to have more nature type things to share pretty soon. I like the man-made things around here, but I've been doing almost all nature on this blog for years, and I miss that. I'm hoping I can mix that back in this year now. The picture above is just one tangled forest, but I love it. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Fun to explore the deep woods now. Undergrowth makes it hard to get in many areas during the warm months.

    1. I'm hoping to be able to visit these woods a little better in a few days. It's going to be fun.

  2. Yup, there is nothing like trees. I would miss them terribly.

    1. I'm glad we have at least a few areas with a lot of trees. A lot of trees is the main thing I miss about Michigan.

  3. Too bad you can't explore more - those trees look awesome to explore. But it's better to be safe than sorry.

    1. I'll be exploring these trees in a few days if I can. I hope to get a lot of good pictures.

  4. Interesting indeed. Right close by to the south of us in far northeastern Iowa are lots of hills and beautiful valley with lotsa trees and sparkling streams..... Check it out sometime. :)

    1. I'll have to get on that side of Iowa more often. It sounds a little different than around here. I really miss bigger forests.

  5. I love the woods too.

    1. I always think of the woods as the place I belong.

  6. You certainly smell the same as me, at least a certain way.

    1. We both like the forest. That's where the smell comes from.

  7. I don't live near any forests so don't exactly miss them, however I do love to visit them, I always think it's like entering a different world!!

    1. It's that different world quality that I love so much about forests.

  8. Yes, when I'm in the midwest I certainly find myself looking for large stands of trees. Still, grasslands are unique and very beautiful.

    1. I like the grasslands because I can see for miles with them. I like the woods because I can sometimes only see a few feet at a time.
