
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Beautiful Cows

These cows are the subject of my very last pictures from this winter. I wanted to post this before all of my spring pictures and adventures overtake them. These cows posed for me so patiently that I just had to share them with the world. They looked right at the camera for me.

I really think they were just probably wondering who the nut was who was pointing the stupid box at them. I don't think anyone ever did that to them before. Why would they? There are cows all over the place around here.

I was interested in them because they were a pretty good sized herd. There are plenty of bigger herds of cows around here, even right across the road from these at times, but this was the biggest I saw at the time that were close to the road.

I told you before that I'd look around for anything I could find around here to be the subjects of my pictures. My time lately has been kind of limited so because of that I've been running out of ideas. I still look for the buffalo, but that can turn kind of monotonous. The days also have been alternating between warmer and cold.

Just the day before yesterday we had summer type temperatures where I didn't even need a jacket. Yesterday evening it snowed a little. That makes it a little difficult to make good plans to go out exploring, but I've been able to do it. The warmer days will happen more and more often now.

I already have some new pictures, so I'll have something more for you than cows in my next post. I have to admit though that I love the cows because they remind me that I'm home. I've never felt at home like I do here. I don't even notice the smell anymore. Cow smell permeates everything around here. Back around Detroit, petroleum smell permeates everything. You only notice if you haven't been to either place in a long time.

I have something good for my next post. I'm thinking a lot about it. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Replies
    1. I thought they were a good thing to end winter with.

  2. I'm with Sparkle...I like cow photos too. I especially like this one--with the light corn stalks and the black cows....

    1. And the cows just love the taste of those cornstalks.

  3. Such gentle creatures, I enjoy sitting and watching them often

    1. Cows are pretty good. It's kind of a shame we have to eat them.

  4. Cows are good. Our neighboring farms are full of pigs but they're always inside. That leaves me with the "free range" birds to photograph. A lot harder to catch that cows I'd guess....:)

    1. They keep the pigs around here inside too. I have yet to see one, but I smell them all the time. Kind of strange.

  5. I have a few cow pics on my phone that I've been meaning to post on here. There's actually a huge hill (well, mountain) in town that a family owns...they have a herd of long horns that they keep and then use the meat in their restarant (needless to say, I can't bring myself to eat the beef there) and sometimes, when the wind is right you can smell them. Not entirely unpleasant. You can also hear them mooing, which I find nice. Hence the reason I can't bring myself to eat them.

    1. I know what you mean about not being able to eat them. It's kind of hard to eat a creature you've met before.

  6. I love pictures of nice cows. I recently read about an Indiana bike trail that was encouraging people to come enjoy the scents of the rural countryside. To me, summer in Indiana smells of hot tar and pigs. Not exactly appealing.

    1. I don't mind the smell of cows too much, but I really don't like the smell of pigs. They're a little bit like a backed ip sewer. The smell of cows is everywhere around here, but I can't really even smell it anymore.
