
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Windmills And More Windmills

I couldn't get a proper spot to take pictures from so I could show you this place. Even though there are no signs that show it, this place looks kind of like an unofficial windmill museum. It sits on the side of a busy road, with only one driveway.

I got pictures from the side of the road and from the driveway, but I just couldn't find a good spot to show you this place the right way. I keep saying that because it was so frustrating. From farther down the road it looks wonderful, but pictures don't seem right from there either.

I got out of the truck from the driveway to take a few pictures, and I got what you see here. The pictures look good in HDR, but the windmills are so spread out that I could only get a few at a time. My best solution is to share more pictures in this post than I usually do.

I should have taken some closer pictures of the signs so that I could remember what they say. I seem to remember that they were unrelated to the windmills though, so that probably wouldn't have helped. I'm sure I'll be back, so I'll get another look at this place sometime.

I found this place on my way from Sioux City, Iowa to Ponca, Nebraska. I wish I knew why all the windmills are there. It's possible the explanation is on one of the signs, but I seem to remember that there was nothing. I guess that makes it a mystery... For now.

Even though this is a bit of a mystery, I have the pictures to show you a unique place on Earth. I keep finding fascinating places around here. Most people wouldn't believe such fun places would exist in this part of the country, but I still keep finding them.

I never found such unique things back in Michigan, but then I never really got to explore so much when I was there. I still wish I could go back and see what's there as well, but I've been having such fun finding new things here. Things like a bunch of windmills may not be for everyone, but they certainly are for me.

I've been kind of sick for the past week so I haven't been out on any new adventures. I'll have another post when I can get some more pictures. I hope that's kind of soon. Maybe I'll look for some birds right around here, or something like that. I haven't done that in a while. I'll think of something. Talk to you later.


  1. Replies
    1. I really couldn't believe what I was seeing when I drove past it for the first time.

  2. Now this is really interesting. It does look like some sort of museum. As much as I tend to just recall the traditional design, there must have been others. People are very inventive. I'll look forward to more about this.

    1. Some of the windmills look really strange. I keep wondering if they may have been used for some different reasons.

  3. That is very strange looking! But interesting! I wonder why all those windmills are there too.

    1. I hope to find out one of these days why they are there.

  4. I'm sure there are people who collect such things...I guess you found them! That was a cool find, Ratty.

    1. Yeah, it may just be a collector. I never would have thought someone would collect windmills, but there they are. I kind of wish I could collect something so big.

  5. beautiful, I agree with you, indeed it looks like a windmill museum.

    1. It would be fun to get the story on some of the more unique windmills if it is a museum.

  6. Pretty awesome Ratty. There's a lot of ingenuity in these photos. You live in such an interesting area!

    1. This area is much more interesting than I ever would have thought. I'm glad to be here.

  7. Replies
    1. If there is a windmill museum here, then maybe there are other cool things like it around here. I hope so.

  8. Very interesting, Ratty. Is it really windy in that area? Maybe they generate electricity. There's an area in northern CA that, also, seems like
    a windmill nursery, with dozens of them dotting the landscape.

    1. It can be very windy around here with all of the flat land. We do have windmills around here that generate electricity, but I don't think any of these do. They are just a collection of old ones. We have a big electric wind turbine just up the road from where I live.

  9. The windmills are quite bizarre...I am now wondering what they are for so I do hope you find out and tell us.
