
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sioux Falls In Winter

I visited Sioux Falls last summer and saw a waterfall for the first time in my life. That was a wonderful experience. But I was sitting here this winter wondering what might those falls look like in this deep freeze we've had this year.

Everything was frozen over almost completely, but there were a few small places where the water was flowing. There must have been a lot of pressure behind all of this. I guess the water still had to flow somewhere.

I took a lot of pictures at the falls, but I don't like showing too many at a time. The problem I have with this is that I won't be able to share them all. My solution is to show you the ones that show you the most specific parts I'm talking about.

Maybe I'll do multiple posts about this so I can bring more of these pictures. With this post I'm just focusing on the main section of the falls. I will show more in another post. In the picture above you can see the visible flowing water there. It's actually bigger than it looks.

When I visited these falls last summer I took a video to share with you so I figured I'd do the same thing this time as well. This colder episode of Rat TV may not be as impressive as that summer version, but it's every bit as interesting.

I always make sure my videos don't last very long, this one included, so you don't run off into the night screaming nooooooo. So you can easily watch this video in less than a minute. It's not mandatory that you watch it either, but it's more fun if you do.

I have another video coming in my next post that shows the bigger view of the falls. I also have the pictures to match it. Hopefully I'll be able to describe my experiences there a little better in that post as well. And the best way I can think of to close this post is just to say I'll talk to you later.


  1. That is very neat, Ratty. I've never seen those falls. Thanks!

    1. I should have linked to the video from last summer. I got a bit lazy though.

  2. Replies
    1. I'm appreciating the ice there the more I look at the pictures.

  3. That is very cool! My human has never seen a frozen waterfall in person. If she is somewhere cold in the winter, it usually a city, so she misses out on some of the fun!

    1. I know I never thought before about sightseeing things like this in the winter. I'm glad I did this year.

  4. wow, i love love those falls, looking like stalactites and stalagmites

    1. The stalactites and stalagmites were one of the main things I noticed too.

  5. You often see mini falls around here, water running over rocks and in the winter they freeze up. I really need to get pictures of it.

    1. I'd love to see pictures of those. Waterfalls are some of my favorite things.
