
Saturday, January 18, 2014

A Bigger View Of The Falls

I'm back with a rare weekend post. This is another one from Falls Park in Sioux Falls. This time I have a little bigger view of the falls for you. I have two pictures and a video. The pictures give you a still version of what you will find in the video in case you don't want to sit through the video.

Something I didn't do when I visited these falls last summer was to go into the building at thye far end of the park. It was clearly open for visitors, but I had my dog with me so I couldn't go in. I left Isabella behind this time for just that reason.

I felt really guilty leaving er behind, but I can't bring her along for every trip. The only other way to be able to go into the building would be to leave her in the truck by herself, and I would feel worse about that than just leaving her at home where she's comfortable and she feels safe. So at home she had to stay.

So I was able to go into the building. I didn't know what to expect, but it turned out to be pretty good. What I found in there was a shop where they sold t-shirts, postcards, and all sorts of other trinkets for the park. In other words, my kind of stuff!

I looked around for a bit until I got to the t-shirts. I try to buy at least one t-shirt from each place I visit. I noticed that they were only $10 at this place so I bought two of them. Now I have two more t-shirts to add to the million that I've collected.

So this episode of Rat TV shows the bigger view of the falls. Everything is white from the snow. There really is only enough snow here to make everything white. It's actually more than where I live because there are o0nly white patches around me.

In an unrelated event, it's been very windy around home for the past few days. I have two big trees right in front of my house. Guess what happened. That's right. A big branch from one of the trees broke and fell right on my roof. Now I have to figure out a way to get it off, and I'll probably have to trim the tree a bit so nothing like this happens again. Fun fun fun.

Okay, I have a lot more good pictures from Falls Park, but they're kind of unrelated to the videos I've already posted. I may do another post with just them, but I may skip them altogether. I'm not sure yet. One way or another I'll have a new post in a couple of days. I'll talk to you later.


  1. A fallen branch on the roof.

    That is bad.

    1. It's very bad. Now I have to figure out how to get it off of there. Not fun.

  2. That really does but things into perspective. I think I've seen a drawing of this falls in some historical book once. But maybe not- maybe that falls was bigger.

    1. Until someone told me, I never guessed that Sioux Falls had any falls. I must not have been paying much attention.

  3. I would love to see more photos of Falls Park.

    1. I think I'll have a couple more photos of Falls Park in my next post.

  4. Even though I really want a dog, I'm hesitant to get one for that reason. Cat's can be left for a weekend as long as they have food and water, a dog though would need to be let out and walked and it's not so simple to find someone to do that. And traveling with them is not always an option.

    1. I can see why a dog wouldn't be ideal for a lot of people. The good thing for me is that I don't usually leave home for more than part of a day at a time. So having a dog works for me with most trips. She doesn't mind staying at home for a few hours here and there though.

  5. oh, so beautiful, and love the video too, it's different to be seeing the actions and hearing the sounds behind those beautiful pictures

    1. I like that surrounding traffic is so quiet around here so places like this can be heard in the videos well.
