
Monday, January 13, 2014

A Good Nature Rest Area

Some of the places I go that look wild at first aren't really completely wild. I showed you some landscape pictures in my last post that I took from right in front of these two benches. This is also kind of deceptive though.

These benches and the sign are the only things around here. To get to them you have to squeeze through a tight entranceway in the fence. There's really nothing else around here for miles. The sign is the only thing that tips you off to this place from the road.

You can stop just about anywhere on the long country road that goes by here and get good pictures. But this happens to be my favorite place there. This is where I go to search for buffalo. I really look for them as I'm driving up and down the road, but here is the best spot.

It looks like this could be an ideal place to relax and view nature from, but it's not all wonderful. The first time I came here one summer, I sat on the bench on the right and ended up with several ticks running up and down my leg. I guess it pays to be careful with that.

I stopped sitting on the benches partly because I'm now paranoid about ticks and partly because I just don't feel a big need to sit here. I move back and forth to finds a good spot where I can take my pictures. I don't usually move too far from the benches here though.

Mostly, even with the threat of ticks, this is a nice place to go to get a few pictures and watch for buffalo. I've seen evidence that they've come right up to where the benches are. One of these days I'll come up here and find them waiting for me. One of these days.


  1. An adventurer needs to face many hurdles, ticks are one of them.

    Why am I say it out so loud?

    1. One of the hurdles an adventurer must face is to learn how to keep the ticks away.

  2. I really like it when families create these small preserves. They do that in Ohio as well. You'll get your buffalo!

    1. These small preserves are all over around here. I like them too.

  3. It is a great area. The benches are a memorial for a friend who did her internship there.

    1. It's good to know a little about this place. I knew it was the place you mentioned before. That's part of the reason I took the pictures.

  4. My human had no idea these small preserves existed!

    1. There are a lot of small preserves like this one around here. This is one of my favorites.

  5. looks nice enough there. Too bad about the ticks. :(

    1. The ticks tought me not to stay in the same spot for too long. They were only a problem one time so far.

  6. same here, some of my pictures that look very wild aren't really that very wild, i guess what happens when we do not include the aspects of civilization in our pics, beautiful wintry scenery you got there

    1. I think most of my wild pictures these days aren't as wild as they appear. There are really some good wild places around here, but I haven't been able to visit them because it's hunting season.

  7. Oh, I love these photos, especially the second with the chairs facing slightly inwards. But what a pity about the ticks. I guess there isn't really anything you can wear to chase them off!

    1. I actually can dress a little safer for the ticks, and this place will give me some practice with that. I've been here several times, but only had the problem with them once. Hopefully I'll stay that lucky.

  8. You keep trying Ratty. They will show up, no doubt. And don't worry about the ticks too much. Just check for them each time you go out. Unless they are in you for a half a day or more there isn't much to fret over. It is certainly not worth ruining a good day outside. In my business I get ticks on me several times a week. I just have a standard way of dealing with them.

    1. I'll remember that about the ticks. Since that time with them I make sure to check for them every time after I've been out now. That's the price I have to pay for loving nature. I'll take it if it means I can keep going to places like this.

  9. Ticks make me paranoid, I'd love to see a buffalo though so I'm not sure if I'd get over my willies of ticks just for the magic spot.

    1. The best thing to do with the ticks is to pretend they're not there. I've learned that it's hard to avoid them anywhere, so it's best just not to think about them too much except to check for them when I get home.
