
Monday, November 18, 2013

I Finally Got Some Pictures

So I'm finally back. Like I said in my brief note, my absence was because of pure laziness. I got comfortable in the house on my computer because of the time of year and simply kept forgetting to leave. I've said many times before that I can't bring myself to feel very positive about fall, so staying inside has felt comfortable. And that meant no pictures.

The odd part of the whole thing is that I really went out and found several positive things about fall this year, but this time of year still depresses me deep down for some reason. I really have enjoyed my time out in nature though. I think I'll feel better when winter gets here. That's kind of strange, huh?

I also find it hard to get back to writing the blog after I've been gone for too long, like this time. Maybe you can identify with this. In a way I feel kind of embarrassed that I've been gone for so long. I always feel like the reason for my absence isn't quite good enough. But sometimes a break from even something you love is a good thing.

I do have to say that I feel quite refreshed. I still haven't gotten many good pictures since I said I needed them, but I got some. I just don't know what to look for this deep into fall. Our trees here never turned any pretty colors. The leaves just turned a very much duller green, and then fell off.

I also can't really go out to the nature parks as much because it's hunting season around here, and I don't really want to get shot while wearing my very brown coat. I see people out hunting wherever I go around here. That will die down as winter comes in.

I do feel like writing a bit more again. My Halloween posts were short partly because I had lost the right thoughts I needed to write. This break gives me some of those thoughts back.I did kind of like those short posts though. I may throw in some like that here and there as time goes on. Most posts will be more long winded like this one though because this is what I do it for.

Even though I never mentioned this beautiful barren tree even once in this post, I'll talk to you later.


  1. I like the gray , it catches my eye often with trees and old wood.

    1. I like it too. I was glad to be able to capture the same scene I saw when I was there.

  2. Welcome back. Nice composition of the lonely tree.

    1. That tree was so beautiful I just had to take its picture.

  3. Love the branches against the mottled sky. Very cold. Keep writing. We miss you!

    1. I'll be sure to keep writing. I'm feeling kind of rejuvenated after my little break.

  4. Those are gorgeous photos - captures your fall mood, doesn't it?

    1. It really does capture my fall mood. I kind of thought that when I first saw it.

  5. I have found that people don't really miss ya until you come back and then they are all "Hey! Where were ya?!". So, don't worry...we are just glad you came back !! :)

    I'm sorta sad these days too...I wonder what it is? The end of summer? The beginning of a long winter?? Sigh. I hope we snap out of it!

    1. I think it's the end of summer and the beginning of a long winter that kind of depresses me too. For some reason I'm fine when winter gets here though.

  6. that is such a lovely photo, i love your composition. hope you feel better soon. some of our mountain slopes are also closed to hikers during hunting season :(

    1. The only bad part about living around here is not being able to safely visit some of the nature parks this time of year.

  7. Good to see you back Ratty. That is an awesome photo of the tree!!

    1. That tree almost seemed to beg me to take its picture as soon as I saw it.

  8. Ratty, these shots are gorgeous. i love the entire composition and it really displays the flavor of Fall. Many get depressed during this season so you are not alone. I hope you begin to feel better soon.

    1. I really got lucky with these pictures. They showed off what I saw perfectly. Pictures don't often do that.

  9. Great pics. Though it is a barren tree, it still an eye-cather. That's one amazing thing about
    travel and adventure, because you see that there is beauty and uniqueness in every place and each creation.
