
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Driving Through The Hills

There's not much of a story behind my pictures today. They were a couple of pictures I took while driving through the hills. On the left of the road is where the wild buffalo live. I still haven't seen them though. One of these days...

On my time away from here I had some time to think about the way to do things here. Before that I was struggling a little bit with my writing. Trying to say something interesting about every single picture had just gotten so difficult. That's when a slightly new thought dawned on me.

I can write about anything I want here. I don't even have to mention my pictures if I don't want to. I love the pictures, and I love talking about them, but they're just not always easy to write about. They are really only there to enhance my writing anyway.

I write best when I just type the first thing that comes to my mind. That's really the way I've always done it. If I have to think about what I'm going to write, then I begin to stumble a bit. That's when whatever I put down here never seems to be good enough.

I'm also thinking about posting a little more randomly. Sticking to a strict schedule is a little confining. I may post two or three days in a row now, but then skip three or four days. I don't know. I'm just thinking about doing it that way. Anything to feel a bit more free.

I took a bunch of pictures with my cellphone camera, but when I got home and looked at them the quality was just too poor. I'm going to have to go back out with my good camera and get some of them again. I guess that's the breaks. I'm learning how to use each camera properly all the time.

I think that's enough for today. I'll talk to you later.


  1. A thought during driving through hills.

    That's an inspiration, by the hills.

  2. Pretty photos! My human's photo blog almost never has text at all - just a headline and photos. So if there are times when you don't want to say anything at all, maybe you can let the pictures do the talking.

    1. I may try to do a few posts here and there with only pictures. I never did that before. I can't find your human's blog. I'd like to see it.

  3. It's not always easy to settle on the best approach to blogging, is it? I've settled for now to posting less often so that I can focus on quality of my posts. Like you, my blogging is really linked with my photos because they are often the story but I have noticed that my most popular posts are the ones where I explain how all of this made me feel. I just find it a challenge to always write like that!

    1. That's pretty much exactly my situation. I can't always explain my pictures and what was happening when I took them. It's also not quite as easy getting those pictures on a strict scheduled basis this time of year for me.

  4. I love photos like the ones you have posted Ratty, such serenity in a world where there is so much hustle and bustle. It's nice to remember how things should be!! I think you should write what you want when you want, this way our blogs remain our pleasure instead of becoming a chore not just for us the authors but for our readers too!! I have finally picked a camera out. It is a Nikon not a cannon but I think I am going to be pretty happy with it if I can get to grips with all the settings. Wish me luck and thanks for your help!! :-)

    1. Even though I like the Canons a lot, my current camera is a Panasonic. I always start with the Canons when I'm looking for a new camera, but whatever camera ends up as the most suitable is the right one. I was looking for specific features when I got my newest camera too. In my case the Panasonic was the one that had exactly what I wanted. I'm sure yours is the same for you.

    2. Wasn't what I was after so back to the drawing board but I will keep you informed!!

    3. One of these times you'll find the perfect camera.
