
Friday, November 22, 2013

Not Quite Captured

I like these pictures of the hills in the background here, but the pictures just couldn't really capture what I actually saw. That's a problem with most pictures I take. I don't know how it is for anyone else. Sometimes I get it like I see it, but most of the time the pictures are different than what I saw.

These hills are a few miles from where I live. They actually extend through the whole state, including inside the town I live. This particular place is very beautiful when you go there and look at the hills. I just can't capture that beauty with my pictures for some reason. Maybe I should experiment with that idea.
The road going through here is the same road where you can supposedly see the buffalo from. Of course I've never seen those buffalo yet, but I get to see the "Bison Enclosure, Keep Out" signs on the fences warning about the wild buffalo. I sometimes think I'll see a Bigfoot before I see one of these wild bison.

Whenever I see any of these hills, I feel like I'm home. I've felt like that my whole life, even before I ever lived here. My grandparents' farm was in these hills not far from where I live now. I drive past it often, but it has changed now with a new owner. Such a shame, but seeing it always brings back good memories.

I think that's enough until next time. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Hi Ratty. They do show the beauty but maybe not as your eye saw it. Maybe you should have a go at HDR- High Dynamic Range photography. Essentially you take 3 identical shots just with different exposures. (You need a tripod/monopod to make them identical) and then you merge them together and it is supposed to capture more of what the eyes can see. That is really simplistic so you need to look into it as I don't really know much about it! Have fun researching :) (I'm 'Bemused' by the way, just using my Google login from now on)

    1. I think you're right about the HDR. My camera actually has a feature that lets me shoot in HDR. I haven't learned how to use it yet though. Maybe that's the next thing I should learn about this camera.

  2. I have that a lot but I've learned that sometimes it is the camera, not me. Of course, I learned a lot of tricks with selective focus and that type of thing over the years but I know that I'll still choose between my iPhone, point and shoot Fujifilm or DSLR Canon to get the actual effect I want. (I know, every professional photographer reading this is probably cringing now). Lucy's suggestion was a good one though - HDR photography might get you the effect you're looking for.

    I know why you mean about being home. I feel that way in the open plains in South Africa too. I really miss the great outdoors of my homeland.

    1. I think something like selective focus is something else I need to learn. That may be a way for me to see the same thing on the camera as with my eye. I'm definitely going to try the HDR thing next because it's a feature on my camera.

  3. Those are lovely photos, even if they didn't quite capture what your eye saw. You asked: my human's blog is

    1. Thanks for the link. I had a nice long visit there. I really liked the pictures. Your human is a great photographer.

  4. those are very beautiful to me, looks very serene, but i do understand where you are coming from since that happens to me a lot of the time too, the beauty that i see not just captured well in picture, i do try my best to change the camera settings several times until i am happy enough.

    1. I think I don't change my camera settings enough. I haven't taken the time to learn my new camera like I should.

  5. I know exactly what you mean about your pictures Ratty. People say the camera never lies but sometime it seems to tone down natural beauty or not focus on the thing we were focusing on. This is one of the reasons I have been looking into a new camera...I want people to see what I see. We can experiment together soon!! Memories are a wonderful thing!

    1. That's exactly my feeling. The camera doesn't seem to focus on the thing that I want. My new good camera helps, but it's still not perfect. I think I need to learn some of its features though. I have it set to auto, and I've been too lazy to experiment.

    2. I thought I had found the perfect camera but when it arrived it just wasn't for me...back to the drawing board!!

    3. I hope you have better luck next time.

  6. What you see is not what you get.

    That's the same problem happened to Microsoft Windows.

    1. With Microsoft Windows sometimes you get something you never wanted. I love Windows, but with that love are many problems.
