
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Little Lazy

I'll be back soon. I'm just being lazy. I need to go out and get some more pictures to write about.


  1. have fun, we all have our bouts of getting lazy, I get that a lot of the times too, and taking pictures help a lot! :)

  2. I'll enjoy them when you find them!

  3. I have been lazy with my posts of late but because I have been so busy with life!! I am looking into getting a new camera Ratty. I don't want to spend an enormous amount of money but would like it to have a good zoom and also an auto feature which I can switch on and off. I would like to pay in the region of around £200. Any suggestions??

    1. I'm not sure what kind of camera is out there for your price range, Tanya, but I would start by looking at the Canon cameras first. I've always like the Canons. My current camera is a Panasonic. It was the expensive model though. They may have cheaper alternatives that are what you're looking for.

    2. I have been doing quite a bit of research Ratty and have decided that the best way to go for me is a bridge camera as this will have the versatility but also the 'compactness' of what I want. I am a true lover of cannon and I looked at these first but they didn't have some of the features that I wanted. I really like the sound of the Nikon 'coolpix'. It has all features that I am after but before I would consider buying I am going to go to the shop and have a little play so I can see how comfortable they feel for me to hold and use. Thanks for giving me some hints though!!
