
Monday, May 13, 2013

Those Yellow Eyes

I can't believe it took me so long to do it, but I finally found the secret. I've had these birds practically swarming around here for awhile now, and I wasn't sure exactly what they were. I have to admit that I didn't think about it too much because it seemed so easy. But nothing is ever easy, is it?

I've been hearing these birds in the trees, with there oh so familiar, but ugly, sound. I've watched them fly from tree to tree. I've watched them dominate the area around me with their numbers. I've watched them walk their funny little walk along the grass. And I've taken it for granted that I just knew what kind of bird they are.

Yes, it seemed so easy at the time. But I was wrong. I knew they were familiar, but I wasn't quite getting it right. To be fair, it's been three long years since I've done a post about these shiny eyed black birds. So much has happened since then.

Okay, now that I've thoroughly driven you crazy I'll reveal just what kind of bird we have here today. Have you guessed it? This bird is a common grackle. It's those yellow eyes that give away its identity. I mistakenly kept calling it a cowbird, but something kept pecking away at the back of my mind telling me I was wrong. Back to those yellow eyes. Cowbirds don't have them.

That's when I hit the internet to find out exactly what I had. My search eventually brought me back right here to my own blog. It was here that I found the identity of my prize of the day. I have actually been able to use my own site as a field guide. Cool, huh?

Going back to my old post about these birds has brought so many odd thoughts to the surface. Do any of you remember when little Alice was my sometimes hiking companion? Alice has now been replaced by Isabella. Isabella has the same curiosity, but she talks much less. And they both like to chase rabbits. Some things never change.

I've realized how good it can be to sometimes take a look back at the things you've done. I like going back and randomly reading some of my old blog posts. You should try it too. We can all learn from our past.

I'm never really impressed with the things I've done until I take a look back at them as an outsider. I write a humble little blog, but not many people have the ambition or drive to do such a thing. Some of you do it too. You should be proud of yourselves. I am.


  1. I remember Alice, and I got to know your"big foot".

    1. Alice was always fun, and Big foot and feet will be back one day.

  2. Those yellow eyes and crow-like beak are a giveaway! You've posted lots of good nature info for people to find.

    1. I knew with those eyes what they were. The front of my mind just kept giving me the wrong name.

  3. As the Shark said, that is a grackle. We have lots of them here around our west Michigan home.

    I recently spent some time looking at some of my older posts. I'm not keeping up with the quality creative content that I used to do. I suppose a large part of that results from my unwillingness to let a blog run my life.

    1. I think it's important to find a good balance with blogging. Sometimes you have to remember your priorities. You probably have done just that.

  4. That is pretty cool that you were able to use your own site as a reference!

    1. I knew this blog would come in handy one of these days. :)

  5. indeed, sometimes, we do forget what we have written, i am sure you have provided so much nature info to feed those who search

    1. Many of us have provided good nature info, you too. I have also used friends' blogs for research too.

  6. Many find them annoying, but I love them all.

    1. I can understand why people find them annoying. There are a lot of them here right now. To me, they're good pictures waiting to happen.
