
Friday, May 10, 2013

Birds And Hard Drive Space

I've been in the process of uploading all of my nature photos since 2008 to Google+. That has been sometimes hundreds of photos a day from then till now, especially the first few years. It's really going to save a lot of hard drive space for me when I'm finished.

The best thing is that I have checked several times, and as long as I stick to the size limit, I can upload as much as I ever want. The only little problem is that I forgot to set the right size in the settings in Picasa on my laptop for the uploads, so those photos are costing me. I'll have to correct that.

Okay, that's enough for the geek fun today. I really can't help it sometimes. It just comes bursting to the surface if I don't keep my guard up. See? I can't stop! Nature. I gotta think about nature. These birds are what I intended to talk about. Are you wondering what they are? 

Many of you have guessed that they are mourning doves, and you have indeed guessed correctly. I checked their necks for little black collars, and they have none, so they are not Eurasian collared doves, which look very similar. Do a Google or Bing image search. You'll see the difference.

When I saw these two in the far off tree I was hoping for something a bit more exotic, but my eyes fooled me, and they were just mourning doves. They looked yellow to my eyes for some reason. The camera reveals all though.

Maybe I'm giving you the wrong impression though. I'm still excited about these mourning doves. I really didn't expect them to be mourning doves, that's why I mentioned the others. So it's good to know these are here. The only problem is that I'm coming to the end of my post. I could go on, but I'm sure we all have things to do. Like me. I'm eagerly waiting to read the cool comments you're likely to leave for me. Talk to you again then.


  1. We get mourning doves here too - one of the few birds we have in common.

    1. I'm sure there will be a few more birds in common now that I live right in the middle of the US. I'll be seeing them more as time goes on.

  2. The doves are always very demure and pretty in a quiet sort of way. They aren't on my list of favorite birds, but I'm never sure why, because when I look at their individual features I like them all.

    1. I feel almost exactly the same as you about doves.

  3. Mourning Doves rule the bird feeder. No other bird will challenge them for food. The doves simply walk where they want . The others( Jays, Grackles, Squirrels etc) back away and give them room. Quiet , gentle with complete authority. An unruly bird would get one quick knock on the head and never forget that jack hammer . Always in pairs.

    1. The mourning doves pretty much rule around here when they want to. Right now they've been giving way to the grackles, but they're still a major presence. I haven't been able to test out how any birds are at feeders here because none of them seem to like any of mine.

  4. It seems like you wander and wonder around.

    Which I always do.

    1. Wandering and wondering around are my favorite things.

  5. hmm, that is good to know you can upload photos to google + like an extension of your hard drive. will look into that too.

    1. I'm not sure it's exactly an extension of your hard drive, but it's a good place to store photos. You can view them from right there, and even edit them. In a lot of cases it's better than having the photos taking up valuable hard drive space.
