
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dandy Lions

Have you ever had days when you were just plain bored? That's how I've felt recently. I have plenty to do, but none of it seems good enough. I want something more, and I don't know what that is. I think this is maybe a result of the lack of my head medicine. Who knows? It's kind of frustrating.

I cover some of this boredom by writing on my blogs. I could actually be writing a new post here every day again, but I'm not sure very many readers are ready to keep up with that yet. And there's also the problem that I'll inevitably have to take more of that medicine again. That will slow me down a bit if it is indeed part of this problem. It's all kind of interesting if you really think about it.

Anyway, let's get to the pictures I have for you today. Above is a patch of dandelions from my front yard. They're sprouting up all over around here now. I really love spring. You might notice that there is plenty of gravel there. I don't really have much of a lawn, just patches of grass, weeds and dandelions. That's how it works around here. But let's get back to these dandelions.

My next picture is the same patch of dandelions. I saw those big beautiful dandelions out there and decided to get a few pictures, but I was being lazy and waited until later in the day to get those pictures. By the time I got out there the dandelions had all closed up. In fact, I could actually see them closing as I was taking the pictures. Pitiful, just pitiful.

So my answer to that was to wait until the next day to get some better pictures. This time I didn't wait all day until I went out. I hurried out there first thing before these little flowers all went to sleep. My very first picture today is the result of this. The same patch of dandelions from different times of the day.

Let's change the subject again. I like doing that. I've been uploading all of my pictures to Google+. I think a little update is in order. I discovered that G+ actually has a monthly bandwidth limit, and I came up right against it. I can't upload any more pictures, even here, for a month. Luckily I have ways of getting around this, so I'll still have plenty of pictures for new posts.

I also have so many good pictures to share that I can't blog fast enough to share them all right now. Like I said, I'm not sure many people are ready to keep up with that yet. And I don't want to burn myself out either. I've only been back this well for a short time now. I'm getting a good fill of nature though.

And so we come to the end of my post. I can't just ramble on forever, no matter how much I'd like to. So it's time to go. What a great day! I think I'll go outside. Talk to you later.


  1. I like dandelions best when they have gone to seed - they are fun to chase!

    1. I like them like that too. It makes them a flower and a fun toy.

  2. I get the boredom thing too Ratty and believe me I have plenty to keep me occupied.I have know idea why it happens. I am not one for sitting doing nothing. When it strikes I take a long walk with the dog. That usually makes the boredom disappear.
    There is a plant here in Britain called 'Jack Go To Bed At Noon' and that is exactly what it does whatever the weather. It looks very like a dandelion.
    From your pictures I can see that your American dandelion is the same as our British one.
    I hope your boredom passes soon and that you continue to be well.

    1. I usually try to go for a good long hike for the boredom, but it only helps while I'm doing it.

      Our American dandelions were actually intentionally brought here from your part of the world because of their many good uses. Now most people only think of them as weeds.

  3. When I wanted to help my dad get rid of his dandilions, he told me to leave them alone because he thought they were pretty! He said if people didn't think of them as weeds, they would like them. I think he was right about that.

    1. I always thought of dandelions as beautiful flowers. They were brought to America on purpose because they are so useful for so many things. Most people don't know that anymore.

  4. I am ready to see your posts every day! I also like dandelions.

    1. If I keep going like this, I may begin posting a little more often again. I want to make sure I can keep it going for a while first.

      You are one of the few people that knows how useful dandelions can really be.

  5. Posts every day would be great, but I know that can be difficult to maintain. Taking pictures for posts probably takes time and energy as well

    1. I hope I can get back to posting every day again. When I started this blog I was able to do even multiple posts a day. I did this for several years. Taking the pictures is actually the easy fun part.

  6. Hello! It is not easy to find time for blogging...

    1. You're right. Sometimes it's just too hard to blog every day. Sometimes scheduling posts can help.

  7. I like dandelions, and there is one commercial on weed killer showing exactly dandelions, i find that commercial choosing the wrong weed to show to kill, dandelions are pretty! and they are edible too!

    1. I think most people have forgotten that dandelions can be eaten. There are so many uses for them. They only see weeds now.

  8. Hi Ratty, I have just been playing catch up...I love reading your posts about birds and seeing the photos as they are so different to the birds I see on my little island.

    As for the dandelions...being a veg grower I can't say they are a friend of mine at all and they don't have a place with me....they have huge medicinal purposes though!!

    1. I completely understand why you'd have a problem with dandelions. They grow completely out of control wherever they are. That was actually why they were brought to America, because they grow so easily.
