
Friday, May 17, 2013


I've seen a lot of rabbits around here, but I've never gotten any pictures until now. They really like to come out at night when you can't really get any pictures of them. And most of the time I see them in the day, I'm out driving without my camera. They're tricky that way.

But this lazy little guy decided he wanted to rest for awhile not too far from where I was already taking pictures. This is the part where I'd usually tell you that it was all because he wanted to be a star, but I really can't do that in this case.

You see, even though he was right out there in the open, he was still sticking mostly to the shadows. That doesn't really make for very good pictures with those kind of conditions. Not at all! I think the experience was successful because of Isabella.

She was the one who spotted this little rabbit first. You'd think she would have been jumping up and down barking at it, only to scare it away. No, not her! You see, she is a hunting dog at heart. When she sees a wild animal she gets really quiet and she slyly concentrates on her target. Isabella stalks wild animals just like a cat would.

That whole routine helps a lot when I'm trying to get pictures. She doesn't move very much, so I can steady my camera pretty well when I take my pictures. I don't think I've ever had another dog that helped me with my pictures like she does. Honestly, she's the only dog I've had since I started taking pictures, but that's beside the point. She does things right.

Anyway, there was still the problem of this rabbit being in the shadows. That's why I didn't see it first. When I finally was able to locate it with the camera, I had to block out all the surrounding sunny areas, which isn't always easy. As you can see though, the pictures came out okay.

To tell you the truth, I did have to enhance the pictures slightly. They were a little grainy because of the surrounding light and shadow. I always open them in Gimp when I need to do this. I've learned to do only the fixes that are necessary, without altering them too much. Pictures end up looking better that way.

That's all there really was to the event with this rabbit. Getting pictures of any wild animal always happens so fast. I get as many as I can before the critter takes off and hides. There are rare cases though when I get to take as many as I want, so I end up stopping just to give the poor scared creature a break. It was about half of each with this rabbit.

Wow. This post really ended quickly for me. I always want to go on and on, but I know there's only so much to say in each post. So I guess what I'm really trying to say is that I'll talk to you later.


  1. We are overrun with rabbits here. Every so often the dreadful disease mixymatosis strikes thousands of them down. I hate that disease! Introduced intentionally in the fifties. It damages their brains and leaves them blind. Sadie the German Shepherd catches them easily then. But she doesn't have the finesse to sneak up on 'em slowly.

    1. A shame for the rabbits. Maybe good for Sadie. Maybe she misses the thrill of the chase though.

  2. Great pictures Ratty. A couple of weeks ago when I took the dog out over the fields I saw lots of tell tale signs of rabbits but none poked there head out for a visit...Think I would need to go walking at dusk for that!!

    1. I usually only ever see evidence of rabbits too, but there are a lot of them around here.

  3. These are really cool rabbit photos! How cool that Isabella was helpful and not noisy, like most dogs would be.

    1. Isabella sometimes gets noisy if she knows she won't get to chase the little animal.

  4. yeah, they are always like that, they appear when we do not have camera or we are not ready yet to take pictures, but thankful also for moments like these, where we get them in camera. love your shots, and you have one very cooperative dog.

    1. It's moments like this with this rabbit that I treasure. They are good because they just don't happen very often.

  5. I love rabbits. I don't like what they do to my plants. But I still love them.

    1. I don't have very many plants, only weeds, so the raqbbits ne3ver bother me. I don't know if that's all a good thing or not.

  6. Most rabbits are educated, except this one who never follows the rules.

    And get "caught" by you.

    1. I catch all the rule breakers. Call me Sheriff Ratty.

  7. Hello! Wonderful photos!
