
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What Is It With Little Birds?

Remember my last post where I explained that I almost didn't remember the name of the little bird I brought to you? Well, guess what? I have no idea what kind of bird I have for you today.

I'm guessing that this bird is some kind of sparrow or something related. The size seems to match, and so does the beak. I'm also guessing that this bird is a female. In fact, I'm more certain of that than I am of what kind of bird it is.

The reason I think the bird is a female is because of its brown color. For birds, the males are quite often more colorful than the females. The females often come in shades of brown only. It doesn't seem fair, but I guess the males need that extra splash of color more than the females do.

I saw several of these birds in the trees, but this one was the only one I could get a clear shot at. Isn't that weird that we use the same word with cameras as we do with guns? Shot! Sounds painful when you think about it. These birds are lucky I only use a camera, unlike the guy that lives down the street from me.

Senseless. That's the word I use for him. I'm not against hunting at all, but nobody needs to hunt little birds like these. Where's the benefit? You can't really eat them. At least I don't think you can. I'd have to ask that guy. I haven't really talked to him in awhile though.

Let me change the subject to something a little more positive. I have an upcoming blogging project that is separate from this one. You'd think it would be way too much for me in the condition I'm in, but it's actually helping me to write this blog more often. That's why I decided to do it. Most of you probably won't be interested because it's technology related, but I'll still give you the details when the time comes.

I'll also be taking more pictures, not shots I guess, of little birds like this one. I told you, All this stuff going on is really inspiring me to write more. It's giving me the focus and drive I haven't had for quite some time. Exciting!

So, back to the bird! Do any of you know what this little lady might be? It's okay if you don't. It's still fun to just look at the pictures, but I'm still curious. Maybe I'll go ahead and do a little research on the web. I'll find out one way or another.

No birds were harmed in the making of this post.


  1. I don't know what s/he is either - it does look like some type of sparrow. We all (humans and cats) saw a really unusual non-sparrow bird hanging out on our patio on Sunday! My human managed to grab a few shots so I will be featuring it Friday.

    1. I'll definitely check out your Friday post. I always like to see new birds. I'm sure all of you liked your episode of Bird TV.

  2. so glad to hear about that Ratty, that you have some reasons or motivations to keep you writing :) will be looking forward to them, and your birds shots, and I may not be good in technology,but I love learning :)

    1. My new blog will be about Windows 8. I know most people don't have it yet, but it's always fun to see what's new.

  3. Hi Ratty, haven't been around for a while so now I am trying to catch up with everyone and I must say it's great to see you writing.

    I would sat she is definitely from the sparrow family. I don't feel sorry for the females being dull in colour. They are the ones who sit on the nest more and there low colours make them less visible to predators and help them to blend with the surrounding areas better. In most of the animal species the males are the ones who have the traits of colour and vocals as it is their job to win a mate...the females just get to be picky!!!

    As for eating these little birds...yes it is possible but it is a small meal and not something I would do unless close to starvation.

    1. I don't usually think of it that way with the female colors, but I will from now on. The idea that the females have an advantage doesn't usually occur to me. I'll remember that the next time the subject comes up here.
