
Monday, April 8, 2013

Just A Little Bird

You didn't think I'd be back this soon, did you? I told you in my last post that I was getting excited about my pictures. Springtime is here, and so are the birds! This little guy in my pictures today is a black-capped chickadee. I almost forgot details like the name of this bird, but I was able to pull it back up from the recesses of my mind.

I've been concentrating extra hard to get back to posting here more often again. Who knows? Maybe I'll be able to return this blog back to its former glory. One of these days I plan on exploring the wider area of my part of the country so I can bring you more than I was ever able to share with you before.

This little chickadee is just one of the creatures I can find right out near my own house. That's something that can't be done quite so easily in the big city where I used to live. It was always fun to try though, so you city dwellers should always keep looking for all the little critters that live in your yards.

I found a few of these little birdies lurking around in the trees as I was looking for some interesting targets for macro shots. I got a lot of blurry pictures along with these two better ones. I'll keep the blurry ones to myself... Your welcome.

I don't know what it is about little birds, but every time I jump up and down and yell, trying to get their attention, they fly away instead of coming closer. How's that for gratitude for a guy with a camera? They could have been famous! At least this little guy was receptive to the idea.

I'm really loving nature right now, so I hope I'll be back sooner than later, so look for my next post to show up, uh, soon! Maybe I'll share my real bird stalking skills with you one of these times. Hint (It involves standing far away with a good zoom lens.)

Okey dokey!


  1. My human has never seen a chickadee in real life... but she always recognizes them in photographs!

    Can't wait to see more!

    1. I've seen plenty of them. I'm just glad I remembered the right name for them.

  2. Shen is a little bird. She is a messanger, of spring, of the Nature, and also yours.

    1. She tried to bring spring with her, but winter does not want to leave us quite yet.

  3. Shen is a little bird. She is a messanger, of spring, of the Nature, and also yours.

  4. They move fast even when visiting feeders.I always shoot lots and hope for a few good ones.

    1. I've been lucky with them because they never seem to be very camera shy for me.

  5. It's good to see you back, Ratty! :)

    1. It's good to be back. I'm still struggling to post a little more often, but I think I may be finally getting there.

  6. wow, so glad to see you are back quick, it only means more improvements from your health, which I really do hope you continue to feel better, and to even remember the name of the bird, is awesome since I these days, have been so forgetful, but not from accident but from age, huhuhu. glad for the chickadee to bring you so much joy and to inspire you to share. yeah, i wonder why most of them do not want to be famous, haha. fun trying our best to capture them though

    1. I've been feeling a little better lately. It may be because of spring. It took me a little time to remember that bird. But when I finally did it a lot of information came flooding back into my head.

  7. Ratty, chickadees are so special and cute. Next time hum along or whistle and he'll come right to you. Great shots.

    1. I'll definitely give that a try. They're not as shy as most birds.

  8. Hi Ratty. Glad to see you posting again :) I love these little black caps. My mum gets these in her garden but I have never had one (we live about 20-30 houses away!!) We call Chickadees 'tits' (snigger) in the UK. But the black caps are just black caps.

    1. I didn't know they had them where you are. Keep watching for them in your garden. They are actually very friendly little birds.

  9. Fantastic birdie:) I am greeting

    1. Thank you. I am greeting you too. I like the picture of the UFO monument on your blog. It has a very interesting story.

  10. Hi Ratty! I haven't been very active either. Sometimes we need to regenerate and heal and come back with a renewed spirit.
    Love your Chickadee photos!

    1. I hope to come back better than ever when I finally regenerate and heal all the way. I keep telling myself it'll be any time now.
