
Friday, April 19, 2013

The Last Snow Of Winter?

Well, I was hoping winter was over, but this is what it looks like outside my house as I type this post. This late in the year, I'm hoping this is the last snow of the winter. Winter... It's been spring for a month already. Last year spring got here so early that I thought something was terribly wrong, and now I think the same thing, but about this late winter. Woe is me!

On a positive note, I did hear plenty of birds out there, but the brightness of all that snow was blinding me so bad that there was no way I could seek them out with my camera. But they were there!

I'm guessing that next week at this time I'll be looking at warm, sunny skies, the birds will be everywhere, and I'll be outside happily clicking away on my camera. nothing at all like today.

Actually, I must admit something to you. I'm ashamed to say that I've been hiding something from you... I don't feel bad about this weather at all! In fact, I saw all that snow and I joyously ran out of the house and began happily taking pictures. I barely got my shoes on before I was running out the door.

I needed some material to write a post about, and this was the perfect thing. What more could I want but this strange weather behavior to spark my creativity and excitement. I'm still constantly looking out the window at this wonder of a late winter.

Okay, on to some blogging news I promised to tell you all about in my last post. I've started a new blog about a much needed subject. When Windows 8 was released I immediately liked the idea of the Windows App Store. It's a nice safe place to get apps for your computer where you'll never have to be worried about becoming infected with a virus or trojan.

I noticed something i don't like though. The Windows Store is a bit of a monotonous mess. So how do we know which apps we might like? That idea took me to the web. I thought there would surely be a few sites that shared recommended apps for us to download from the store. Nope. I guess Windows 8 is not quite that popular yet. I waited and waited... and waited. Nothing like I was hoping for.

That's where my new blog comes in. I decided to create such a site myself. I scour the Windows Store for Windows 8 apps that have enough value that people may be interested in them. I'll share news of those apps with everyone, and I'll also share news of any sales or events involving the store. I already have two posts up, but serious posting there will start Monday.

I know most of you are probably not interested in something like this, but for those who have Windows 8 or are planning on getting it, I know this new site will be of great value to you. You can find the link in the toolbar at the top of my blog. The new Site is called Windows 8 App News.

Well, that's it for me today. this was my second post in just one week. I'm getting better. hopefully the next one will be up just as soon. See ya then!


  1. I did not really think a late snow would keep you down, Ratty. ;-)

    We are Mac humans and kitties here - the only Windows here are for watching Bird TV! Although if my human did have Windows 8, she would probably be interested in your new blog. She is always looking through apps.

    1. Macs are good too. Not many people have Windows 8 yet. I'll have to see if I can figure out a way to work bird TV into my new site.

  2. Nice snow Ratty. Here in west Michigan, we have rain, rain and a whole lot more rain. I reckon if it had been snow it would be up past the eaves.

    1. We haven't had much of either up until now. I think I'm ready for the end of the snow for now though.

  3. Let me count.

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.I have 7 windows.

    And I enjoy each of them, through them, I found your snow.

    1. I think most people have the same number as you. Only a few have gotten up to 8 so far.

  4. Didn't stick here, got 2 inches in the rain gauge

    1. It stuck here pretty good. It'll be a few days before it all melts.

  5. it looks so beautiful, snow always make for a pristine scenery. hope it gets warmer there soon

    1. I hope so too. I like the snow, but I'm ready for spring to be here now.

  6. Can't believe you have snow again. Here this last week the temperatures have improved and I have managed to get some work done on the allotment. Hope you soon have nice weather too.

    1. I think that should be our last snowfall. The weather forecast says it will be warming up here very soon. it's been an unusual year.

  7. You are very industrious, Ratty. I haven't yet downloaded Windows 8. Will probably do it once I get to India where the temperatures should be 100 degrees when I arrive.

    1. Just remember that Windows 8 will be a big change. You'll get to download apps though, which will be much easier than the old Windows 7 method of hunting down software all over the web.
