
Monday, April 22, 2013

It Just Won't Go Away

It just won't give up! It only took a couple of days after the last snowfall for it all to melt, but here it is again! I'm watching out the window as the snow keeps falling. I'm starting to believe that winter will never go away.

I think I've had enough of winter this year. I want to go outside and take pictures of birds and green plants. I want to go out without a jacket on. I want the warmth of the Sun to shine down on me. I'm ready for all of those things.

There's only one thing I can do to end all of this nonsense. Here it comes... I COMMAND THIS WINTRY SNOW TO END RIGHT NOW!

How's that? Do you think it will work? I certainly hope it does because I don't have any good pictures for another post until I can get out there to take more. Snow can be fun, but there's only so much more I can stand. It'll work. I know it will.


  1. That should do the trick Ratty. Its been a long winter here but the sun has shone for the last couple of days.

    1. Judging by our latest weather forecast, warm spring weather should finally be here in a few days.

  2. Oh yuck. You still getting snow??! I imagine that is probably the last of it---well, I hope so. We've been getting a lot of rain and finally, some Spring weather. Hooray! I will send it your way.

    1. I hope it gets here soon. I'm guessing it will all happen by tomorrow.

  3. Hey, Ratty! Nice to hear from you. I think we might be starting to get spring, but it's still cold and brown.

    1. I think I may be finally back. I've been able to write for the past week and a half. And spring also will be finally here in a day or two.

  4. I really hope you get spring soon!

  5. i will cheer for you that it will work, it will work!! though i love looking at your snow picture :)

    1. I'm sure it will work. The weather forecast is telling me that spring is just days away.

  6. I'm sending my commands along to you too Ratty. Our winter seemed incredibly long this year so I can only imagine how you're feeling...Spring can never come to early!!

    1. This has been the longest winter I can remember. I think it might be finally over now though.

  7. We are having crazy spring weather here in Cleveland too. Last week Thursday we got up to 83 degrees. Next day I put my boots away only to get snow flurries the next morning.

    1. We were up into the 70s a few of weeks ago. We thought spring was here and then it dipped down into the 20s and we got more snow.

  8. No, no.

    You need to wave your wand when saying that.

    1. I don't have a wand. Maybe I'll try waving my camera.

  9. Winter will have its say. He was kicked off stage so early last year that he had to linger this time to make the averages work out right. At least that's my theory.

    1. My thinking runs along those same lines. I thought there was something wrong last year when spring got here in February.

  10. At me the winter was also long but already it's spring and behind the window a sun is shining:) Greetings

    1. Winter is changing to spring here now too. Soon every day will be warm.

  11. I do hope you have the power to will that snow away and not to return. In just a month ( June 1 ), I'll be returning to India after seven months at home. I've got a brand new left shoulder and a first grandbaby, a precious little girl who arrive April 14th. Weather here in my part of northern CA, near San Francisco, can be a bit cool but the sun is shining beautifully and there's no snow on the ground.

    1. My command seems to have worked like a charm. The snow quickly melted, and it's now in the 70s here. I hope you have a wonderful time in India.
