
Monday, August 27, 2012

Out Of My Cocoon

It's hard for me to get started up again since I've been gone from here for so long. But it's finally time for me to be back. I said a long time ago that I wasn't happy with what I was writing here. I felt like it just wasn't me anymore. I felt like I had lost all of my creativity. So I took some time off until I finally really felt like I could do things right again.

It was kind of like a caterpillar going into a cocoon for a rest, and to grow, and coming out as a butterfly. I locked myself away from all things about blogging. I made one short little attempt to come back that still didn't feel right so I closed myself back off. I missed everything terribly, but I had to do it that way until I began to feel right again.

I never got tired of blogging, but I simply lost the things I wanted to say. When that happens, it's time to take a little break. But now that I'm writing this post, I feel a little rusty. That's actually the feeling I was hoping for because I'll be looking at things with a slightly new perspective now.

I also pulled myself away from nature for that time. I kept myself indoors, and did a bunch of geeky computer stuff. I wanted to pull myself completely away from the things I loved so I could appreciate them even more when I came back to them.

Finally, I looked up at my computer screen and felt that emptiness that comes from hours of playing meaningless video games and doing other solitary computer things. I used to love that stuff when I was younger, and I still do. But a person needs to exist in the real world as well. Nature is the ultimate real world.

Nature and being outside exploring is better than any meaningless video game. You can touch and feel nature and the world around you. Video games are just fine, but you never get that great feeling that reality can give you. And blogging urges me on to go out there and explore the real world around me.

Blogging is itself a wonderful extension of the real world, full of real people and friends from around the entire world. Part of the ultimate reality. You can't get that from a video game or some other solitary activity. Blogging about nature and similar things is what I love the most. I'm glad to be a part of that. And I'm glad to feel like I'm truly back.


  1. I was lost frequently.

    But I did not know that I had been inside a cocoon at those time.

    I never know whether I am a butterfly, or a moth.

    1. A moth can sometimes be every bit as beautiful as a butterfly.

  2. The whole key to life is balance. But sometimes you accomplish that by going to extremes and letting it all sort itself out. At least that's how we kitties do things.

    1. That's how I had to do it this time. Moderation didn't seem to be working.

  3. "I wanted to pull myself completely away from the things I loved so I could appreciate them even more when I came back to them."

    Well then, Ratty, WELCOME BACK!

    We just have to do what we must do to find that bit of ourself sometimes..

    1. I'm glad to be back. A little renewed energy and enthusiasm was definitely needed.

  4. Nice to have you back Ratty :) I've missed your emails!! (I am subscribed so get your posts right to my work inbox- brightens up my day everytime)

    1. I'll try to have them coming more frequently now. I think I can do it now again.

  5. Lovely photos Ratty. Nice to see you back and I'm glad that you have found your mojo again!!

    1. We'll see if I've found my mojo when the next few posts come. I certainly hope so.

  6. I was lost not posting with my connection failure.Hope to get it all fixed, nice to chat yesterday.

    1. I hope you get it all fixed too. If you need any help, you know where to find me.

  7. It's nice to see you back and the photos are lovely. I sometimes need a break but when I try to take one I miss the blogging too much

    1. I missed blogging very much too, but I had to find the joy and creativity in me so I could do it right.

  8. "Blogging is itself a wonderful extension of the real world, full of real people and friends from around the entire world..... Blogging about nature and similar things is what I love the most. I'm glad to be a part of that. And I'm glad to feel like I'm truly back."----- Happy to see you back, Ratty, welcome back, and so glad you are starting to feel the energy to share the wonders of the natural world you see and experience in your side of the globe.

  9. glad you are now out of the cocoon, and sharing us those beautiful photos that truly represents what you are feeling.

    1. I'm really glad to be back. I missed everything about blogging. It was hard to stay away for so long.

  10. Here's just an FYI for you regarding online video games. At you can actually play against other people and chat!

    1. Thanks, I've heard of places like this. I really don't play games enough to do that though. Every once in a while I'll find a game I like, but then I quickly tire of it. Even the more social games don't have that feeling of reality for me.

  11. Ratty- the times alone can be important, but you have a bunch of friends here! Hello, butterfly!

    1. I really hated having to have that time alone, but my writing dried up so much that I was even unable to comment on other blogs. That showed me that a step back was necessary.
