
Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Toad On My Porch

It's been awhile, but I'm back. And I brought a little friend with me! I found this big old fat toad on my porch a few nights ago. He was just sitting on the edge there relaxing. I happened to look down while I was letting the dog out on her chain, and I saw the fat toad sitting there.

I quickly shut the door and ran to get my camera. I have to tell you that he dog was highly disappointed that I didn't let her out quite yet. I was trying to protect this fat green morsel from her. She'll eat anything, even something she shouldn't, like this toad.

When I made it back outside with my camera, the toad was still waiting there for me. But you already figured that out, didn't you? I then took about a half dozen pictures before nudging the toad off the porch and away from the view of the dog. I tyhen let the dog out, and it was a happy ending for all.

Some of you know that we've been suffering from a terrible drought in my part of the country. Not only has it been too dry, but it's been much too hot as well. So I haven't really been going out much. The heatwave seems to finally be over now, so maybe I'll be able to get back to my little adventures.

I haven't really had much to write about because of all of these problems. I did get obsessed with a video game called Skyrim while I was inside hiding from the heat. I haven't played video games in years, but this one got me hooked. I won't say much more than that about it.

But now I'm back, at least most of the time, from this hypnotic game. And these fat old toads are everywhere around here. I saw another one hopping around in the vegetable garden the next day. I didn't get any pictures, but I got some pictures of some other interesting little creatures. Now I'm hoping to get caught back up with everything that is blogging in the next few days.


  1. Sorry to hear about the drought. The toad looks rather lazy and sleepy

  2. I thought you have been turned from a rat to a big fat toad.

    I shall not regconise you by then.

  3. LOVE the toad--except I think you probably already knew that I would. ;)

    It's been an awful summer, hasn't it? Like you, we've spent most of our time indoors too. What kind of summer fun is that???! I sure hope fall brings some badly needed rain and cooler temps.

  4. So sorry to hear about the drought, Ratty!
    We have an occasion rain here and there, like today, and it cools off quite immediately!

  5. sorry about the drought, hope the toads all around the area is the sign the drought and heat is over now. glad to see a happy ending here, the toad and the dog and you all happy and safe :) i love that picture of toad.

  6. Rain has returned to this part of west Michigan. Had a bit of it today and more headed our way. Hope you too get some soon.

  7. He looks very fat and extremely happy with himself!

  8. That toad looks like a fun play toy to me! But he probably would not appreciate that.

  9. That is one pleasant-looking toad! Expecting rain!

  10. Hope you're feeling well. The heat certainly doesn't help

    I'm trying to get back too. It's tough after a long leave of absence.

  11. A wonderful photo of a toad. He's waiting for dinner no doubt. I have missed your posts!

  12. That is a HUGE toad...but he certainly looks at home on your porch!!

    I find quite a few frogs and toads in the garden and on the allotment!!

  13. So sorry I haven't been here Ratty. With this new format I keep forgetting to look down to see everyone's posts after I'm done with mine. I love toads!! But I haven't seen not one baby one this year. Maybe because it is so dry. I love the little ones. Take care.

  14. while it's dry in your place, our country's suffering from monsoon rains and typhoons that create more predicaments than suffering from heatwaves. we just had one major downpour that caused flooding in most parts of Metro Manila.

    as to the fat toad, i am not fond of them but it looks cute in this pic.
