
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Big Birds Flying Around

I had some excitement when I got into town here yesterday. there were turkey vultures and hawks flying around everywhere! Many of them were flying low where I was driving. I wish I would have had my camera along.I missed my opportunity at first.

But then when I got home I ran in the house and grabbed my camera. When I got back outside, the birds were a little farther away, but I was still able to get a few pictures. So I didn't lose out completely. I was lucky this time. I think I need to start carrying my camera with me again. I don't want to miss any more opportunities.

I remember a few years ago when I used to listen to the radio a lot while on my way back and forth to work, there used to be routine commercials for plays in Toronto. I don't usually care much for that kind of thing, but there were a few that I really thought would be good.

I remember thinking that I would wait and hope they would come a little closer to my home in Detroit. Well, that never happened. Later I felt like I could have kicked myself for passing up these opportunities. It wouldn't have taken long to go there and back, especially now that I know where to get flights to Toronto.

If only I had thought things through back then. I could have fond memories of those plays that I'll now never get to see. I live a little farther away now, so I don't hear the same radio commercials. But there is still the internet. The place must have a website. Maybe I'll take a look. Wouldn't that be fun to just pick up and go?

I just got my electricity fixed in my house. I had been sitting inside peacefully watching TV the other day when it all went out. It turned out that some fuses right on the electric pole blew! I had to have the whole box replaced. Now I'm back to being able to post here again, and I've been doing a lot.

I even have a new story up over at Rat Tales. It's been hard to write anything for my fiction site for awhile, but I finally have something for you. It's actually an older story of mine that I've revived. It's called Jack And The Magic Stick. It's a fairy tale of some sorts. You'd have to read it to see what I mean. I like it.

I hope to start catching up with some of my other blog stuff now that I can. I always miss this stuff when I'm gone for a few days.


  1. It is a nice return with the accompany of a big bird.

    Have camera, will travel.

  2. Nice catch on the bird. When I lived in A2 some friends were always going to Toronto for plays.

  3. Great capture of the bird in flight, Ratty!

    I haven't seen any plays for quite a few years now.

  4. The vultures catch the wind close to me in the evening, sometimes 30-40 of them together.

  5. Beautiful photographs, magic views. I am greeting

  6. It's fun to see things like that--but you only see them when the camera is not around! Hahaha! Good catch though!

  7. nice capture of the big bird in flight, wish I can fly to toronto too :)

  8. You did a great job of capturing them in flight.

  9. Great pictures |Ratty, you are very lucky to live somewhere where you get to see such a great variety of wildlife first hand.

  10. Hello! I agree with these comments...Well done!

  11. Missed opportunities create a hunger for new adventures, so it all works out in the end. Where you live presently suits you well!

  12. love your pictures..the turkey vultures are a sup rising sight...we had tons of them one time in our 30..crazy really..they never came back.

  13. I know what you mean about carrying your camera. I seldom leave it behind but, of course, when I do, that's when I miss the shot of a lifetime.

    My computer crashed last was less than a year old but it was a hard disc failure so I ended up buying a new one. I lost all my India photos, sad to say, heartbreaking for me. I am really devastated.

    Also, my internet plug in aparatus is failing me. It's hard getting online or posting a frustration for me, at this point. I'm going tomorrow to their one store in Jaipur to see if there is any solution.

  14. It's always nice to have a clear blue sky when you see those birds. Hope all is well with you these days. I'm trying to catch up on blogs. Been way behind. Take care Ratty.
