
Friday, July 13, 2012

Flight Of The Dragonfly

I'm getting back outside once again to take more pictures of the nature around me. I've been cooped up in the house for far too long. Sometimes you need the taste of sweet freedom. Maybe this dragonfly has the right idea. It's resting on these 2x4s right now, but it can fly away anywhere it wants to go whenever it wants.

That's what I want to do right now. I want to go to faraway places and see strange and exotic things. That's what happens to a person who has been confined to one place for too long. You just want to get out and go. Maybe I'll take a long trip.

Sometimes you gotta just take a chance and do something that seems like it might be fun. For some it might be picking up and traveling to a far away place. I know of a place offering flights to Johannesburg if that's what you like to do. Seeing and doing new things is what makes life great.

I love the photo editing I've been doing, but that's no substitute for getting out and seeing things and experiencing life. What do you think? Are you in the mood to travel? Where would you go if you could go anywhere you want?

Oh, the picture above was taken from a pile of wood that I'll be burning in my wood stove next winter. You burn anything you can get around here.


  1. A dragon can fly, so it goes wherever he wants.

  2. Oh I wanted to have a chance seeing different places now too. If I were a dragonfly, I would fly to Europe.

  3. I am always ready to explore a new area.

  4. i am in the mood always to travel or to go out :) however, no particular place in mind, anywhere where I can have silence and peacefulness surrounded by the beautiful gifts of nature.

  5. If I could go anywhere I wanted to... I think I would stay right here! I like being an indoor-only kitty! Plus I hate being in the car.

  6. a very beautiful butterfly, I love to see it

  7. It's been too hot to go out in the yard and take photos. It's all dried up and not so pretty--I guess I need to record that too, eh?

    It has not been a fun summer being cooped up inside in the air conditioning. I don't know how people do this all the time--live with their windows closed and air on. Blech.

    I like those dragonflies--we have those here too!

  8. I love that you even got the shadow of its wings.

  9. It's resting on these 2x4s right now, but it can fly away anywhere it wants to go whenever it wants.
