
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel

I've been exploring very many different places around my area now. I found this thirteen-lined ground squirrel in a little cemetery not too far from my house. It may sound strange, but cemeteries are a good place to experience nature, especially if you live in a city without many other sources of nature.

When I lived in Detroit we used to drive through the cemetery quite often because there aren't many parks there. It's a nice quiet and peaceful place. A big cemetery is also a good place to learn how to drive because a young person can drive through there slowly without much traffic.

But anyway, let's get back to this ground squirrel. I've shared pictures of one of these critters before, but these today are better. Take a look at his little human-like ears. I just love them! His name comes from those thirteen alternating stripes down his back.

These critters look similar to chipmunks, but if you compare the two you can see the differences. This ground squirrel has more of woodchuck look to him than a chipmunk does.

I've been seeing these little guys scurrying past for a little while now, but this is the first one that slowed down for me. None of the animals I've been encountering seem very afraid of me. Maybe it's because they don't encounter many humans.

This one stopped to eat these seeds right next to my truck so I just had to stop and get these pictures. I would have thought the engine would have scared him away, but there he sat concentrating on his little meal.

You can click on the pictures to see them bigger if you like. I'll be bringing you pictures of another critter from the cemetery soon. I also have some amazing bird pictures with a video I want  to share. I'm excited about all I have coming; it's only tiredness holding me back.

We also have some great stuff over at Nature Center Magazine. Like I said, the articles have improved greatly, and we have more interviews with bloggers you know. We've had a good response with the questions we've already sent out. And if you've been sent interview questions we're excited to see them.

Have you ever seen a critter like the one in my pictures? Maybe another fun and unique creature? Tell me about it. It'll be fun.


  1. I thought that was a chipmunk. Your photos always look better in my reader than when I access your blog...

  2. so alive and engaging photos, especially if you view the larger ones, the details are so impressive.

  3. I wasn't familiar with this little guy. Really a cute little critter!

  4. I have not seen this type of squirrel before. He/she is beautiful with those lines and dots. Fantastic shots, Ratty!

  5. I have heard of this cutie but have yet to see one. You got some great pics!

  6. It is a very handsome critter.

    With so many strips around, its rank must be higher than a sergeant.

  7. Such great pictures Ratty, not just of the squirrel but the foliage in the background too.

  8. He is just the cutest guy, Ratty....I don't think I've ever seen one of these little thirteen striped ground squirrels though we have lots of ground squirrels around.

    I'm on my way back to India in Mumbai on June 19th....I'm trying to stay six months this time.

  9. I wish we had little guys like this one in my part of the U.S. I would LOVE to have some Ground Squirrel TV to watch!

  10. One of my favorite little critters!

  11. He's adorable. We have them in the area, but not in our yards. Which is a good thing! I would feel bad if the kitties caught one of these little guys.

  12. Ratty, though I see so many squirrels on a daily basis, I have never seen one like this. He is so unique. Great shots.

  13. He is a very cute little fellow. Great photos of him Ratty. I have only seen photos of this type of squirrel in my mammal ID books, never in person.

  14. Beautiful little rodent, and seemingly as tame as the eastern chipmunk! Nice shots, Ratty!
