
Monday, May 14, 2012

A Field Of Bluebirds

Well, I'm back again. And I'll hopefully be posting more often because I have too much to show you for the schedule I've been on. No more talking about bags of medicine either. I meant to be funny when I mentioned it, but it looked like whining when I read it again. So now it's all about birds. Bluebirds!

In my last post I said that there were birds all around me at that park, but what I didn't mention was that most of those were bluebirds.That was only a day or two after I commented on a couple of blogs that I hadn't seen any bluebirds since coming to my new place. Those must have been the magic words.

I had just been thinking while I was on the trail that with Isabella with me I wouldn't be seeing too many animals anymore.About a quarter mile away we reached this valley and everything changed. The birds all came out to play.

I wasn't sure what I was seeing at first because I really thought there would be no bluebirds around here. I have no idea how that thought got in my head. But I began seeing all of these brilliant blue streaks zooming by us. I thought maybe they were a kind of bird I had never seen before.

Soon I saw those little red breasts and I knew they were Eastern Bluebirds. It made me so happy to find out I was wrong about my assumptions. I really love bluebirds. I didn't really have them very close where I used to live, but I could find them at some of the other parks. These are just down the road from me.

Isabella wanted desperately to chase every little bird she saw, but I made sure to hold her back. In her excitement she ruined a few potentially good pictures, but5 she was generally well behaved. After that scare with her on the top of Stone Park I had to get her a new collar. Her old one fell off of her. I'm glad it waited until she was home.

I plan on going back to Five Ridge Prairie very soon so I can get some even better pictures of these little blue angels. I can't wait!

But I still have some great stuff to show you from recent trips. You're going to love what I have waiting. Hopefully it will be in only a day or two this time.

And I can't forget some things from Nature Center Magazine. We'll be having more interviews with some of your favorite bloggers very soon. We've gotten a very good response with the interviews so far. Keep looking to see who's next!


  1. I've seen one blue bird in my lifetime thus far. I was in awe! Thank you for sharing your blue bird photos. They are beautiful!

  2. I have yet to see a bluebird around here. I guess you found the magic words so maybe it will work for me too :)

  3. Hey, send some of those birdies here too! I'm sure we have them here, somewhere, but not around my yard. Bummer, because they are LOVELY! Glad you found them, Ratty!

  4. Ratty, love these little blue angels. The one in flight, flapping his wings is fantastic to see. Great detailed and vibrantly colored shots. Can't wait to see more.

  5. a field of blue birds, that would be heaven to someone I know. I have not seen one this year yet in my side of the world, maybe, there were all there. love your shots.

  6. "You're going to love what I have been waiting."

    This is a great tempation.

  7. I'm glad that you found the bluebirds in your new area!

  8. Wonderful, those bluebirds! All I stumble upon in the big forest next to my flat are ravens and sparrows... Lucky you! (But I do like ravens so it's okay for me) :-))

  9. Beautiful blue birds, and I am glad you saw them! Look like they are pretty far up and away..

  10. I have been helping with a route to check boxes here.Real fun to get close to these beauties.

  11. Ya gotta love those insect eating little guys. I always feel especially good when I see one. Or more.

  12. Fantastic shots I'll be waiting for your new posts!

  13. These are wonderful pictured Ratty, we don't have Bluebirds in the UK so I'm glad I have seen them now. I have to say they remind me a little of our British Robins with their red breasts.

  14. Thanks for the awesome Bird TV, Ratty! We don't get that kind of bluebird here on the West Coast, so it was really a treat.

  15. Those are the prettiest little birds, I love the brilliant blue. Too bad, as Sparkle said, we don't have them on the West Coast.

  16. Wow- bluebirds are amazing! We do not have them or anything like them over here in the UK. I would love to see them one day, they are simply stunning. Great pictures and thanks for sharing!

  17. Hello! Thank You very much for sharing! I have not seen before so like bird! Beautiful photos!

  18. That is such a beautiful blue colour. Surely only nature could create it.

  19. You got some great shots of those gorgeous Bluebirds! You better watch it...they will steal your heart.
    Hey...put up a Bluebird house at your place and...they will come.Honest.:)

  20. Ratty, perhaps the best, most vibrant bird pictures you have ever posted. The blue bird is an exquisite animal and you have captured its spirit in essence!

  21. Oh, my goodness, Ratty, I don't think I've seen bluebirds
    ( just noisy bluejays ) - they are so beautiful and such a brilliant blue color. That little bit of red is just the perfect accent.

  22. I have seen a few this year, but not as many as other years.
