
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

More At Five Ridge Prairie

I have to say that I've been very tired recently. I think I said that already. I still have some good pictures for you today though. After some short whining I'll tell you a little about them.

Here's something funny I got from the car accident I was in. I went to the doctor the other day and I came back home with a shopping bag full of medication, literally. I'm almost used to that kind of thing now, but it's still not fun. But just try to picture the amusing sight of seeing someone carrying that much medicine. It really is kind of funny. At least my head doesn't feel like it's ready to explode now.

Anyway, the picture above is the trail into the park. It stretches on for quite awhile. I think I mentioned before that I thought at first that it was only an old road leading to the trail. It took me quite some time of walking before I realized this was the trail.

This next picture shows the first indication of just how big this park really is. All you see in the distance is still the park. It really stretches out for many miles. It's an extra beautiful sight when you know that.

I walked for quite some time when I got to this point. I found myself in a valley that was full of birds. Those birds weren't afraid of me at all.  They were flying back and forth in front of me. The only thing that sent them away was Isabella's barking.

Isabella seems to take personal offense at the presence of any other animal sometimes. She constantly argues with the squirrel outside of my house. The problem there is that the squirrel likes to argue back, and he often starts it.

I'll go outside after hearing her barking. I then find Isabella focused on a tree outside. I'll yell at her to stop, but the squirrel is chattering every bit as loudly as she is barking.

But let's move on. We arrived at this river here and I took a few pictures. There is no other place where I've ever felt so far out in nature. It's a great feeling. I go out here and feel so good that I almost never want to leave.

I saw a big bird flying around down here, but it went behind the trees too quickly for me to get any pictures. I have some birds for you in future posts though, including some very big ones.

One last thing. Emma over at Nature Center Magazine has been slowly trying to contact some of you to ask if you'd like to be interviewed. If you like the idea of being interviewed then pop over and follow the link at the bottom of mine and let her know. I think it will be fun.


  1. It looks huge, and wild! I am glad you like it and feel at home..

  2. This looks like a wonderful park Ratty. I especially love the photo of the river which has been totally left alone and untouched by human hands...makes it a truly magical place for me.

  3. This is a gorgeous nature park, Ratty! I can't wait to see more.

  4. This place is a gem! So much to explore and so much to report. There are a million adventures there just waiting to happen.

  5. Hey Ratty. I like that second picture the most I think. The trail looks lovely and I'm glad you're enjoying it so much again. I know how you feel about not wanting to go home when you're in a place that beautiful!

  6. Some great shots to share, I wondered if this was a county area.

  7. It is then home sweet home.

    And I am always at home.

  8. That is such a beautiful looking nature park. I wouldn't mind doing some exploring there. Your photos are great

  9. Very pretty there. And your story about the dog and squirrel having a show-down is hilarious! I'd love to see a photo of that.

    Keep positive, Ratty. You are recovering GREAT after such a traumatic accident.

  10. Maybe you should try some acupuncture - and lots of walks where you are- it looks so beautiful.

  11. What a beautiful park Ratty. The entrance path looks so inviting and what a beautiful reflection as well. Birds all around you, how sweet :)

  12. very beautiful images, Ratty, I am sorry to know about your bag of medications, I hope you don't forget taking any since that is usually my problem.
