
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Killdeer In A Cemetery

I found this little Killdeer in a cemetery near one of the nature parks here. I've been seeing a lot of these birds recently and this one seemed eager to have his picture taken. he wasn't the only interesting thing I found in this cemetery. I also found a ghost!

Just kidding. It was two ghosts. Or was it three? Anyway, I didn't get any ghostly pictures. We already had that kind of fun here last winter. You'll have to search my archives for those.

I had to really fix this second picture up because the camera focused on the grass instead of the bird. But I wanted to show you his long legs so I included the picture. I followed this bird for quite some time, but this was the only time it wasn't knee deep in grass.

If you click on this last picture you can get a good look at the bird's fascinating red eye ring. I think that's what I like most about these guys. Their long legs are amusing too.

I planned to write so much more this time, but the words just don't seem to be coming. I hope to be more long winded next time. It's still a fun look at this little killdeer. Until next time.


  1. I had the honor of watching a Killdeer a couple of years ago. It is amazing that they thrive with their nests being in an open area.
    Love your pics!

  2. He's a cute little fellow. I see them here once in awhile in a couple of place around town but they refuse to hang around like this guy did for you Ratty.

  3. I always like this bird,you may have been close to it's nest.

  4. what a cute bird, I wonder if we have it here since I don't think I may have seen it yet, and yes, the red eye ring is fascinating.

  5. Very lovely bird. Good for you, you've got the chance to take its picture.

  6. The red ring is really outstanding.

    What a fascinating design of Nature.

  7. They are amazing to watch. Did you follow or were you lured away from the nest site? Kildeer use wonderful tricks like the broken wing con, to get potential threats away from the nest . I was lured once only to have him fly into the sky and away.

  8. I have found their nest several times, they lay their eggs on the ground blends in very hard to find and twice I have been there in time to see the babies and when they here you they fall to the ground so you can't see them they are gone within in a few hours I did get some good pictures a few years back

  9. Wow..that's a pretty bird, and what great photos you got of it! I also like the colors on it.

  10. I used to see a lot of these when I was growing up. We had some in the empty lot next to my house last year. I wonder if I'll be seeing them again this year

  11. What a fantastic looking bird. What a strange name. Why killdeer?

  12. I like his long legs! I wish I had legs like that.

  13. I wonder why is it called a killdeer..but dear u got a nice shot of the bird with a red eye..

  14. I have friends who have killdeer running around everywhere. They can be noisy at night.

  15. You got some great pictures of him!

  16. Killdeer's love to nest in open meadows, and its really interesting to watch them divert your attention from a nest by feigning a broken wing and trying to move you in a different direction! Nice post, Ratty!

  17. I'd never heard of or seen this bird before so I'm glad you found one to share with us. He has wonderfully striking markings...where does he usually hide himself with those zebra stripes??

  18. What a cool bird! This is another one I don't get to see in my part of the country.

  19. Killdeer are so much fun to watch. Especially when the run.

  20. I've never been able to get any good pictures of them. This is great!
