
Friday, February 10, 2012

Woodpecker Watch Training

So now that I've finally visited another nature park the question arises, did I get to see any wildlife on my little trip? And the answer to that is, I actually did! That is if you count a few small birds at the beginning of my little hike up the giant hill.

And I even got a couple of pictures! This downy woodpecker was the only bird I was able to get on camera. Isabella wasn't cooperating at all with this because she was much too eager to begin climbing those stairs that I showed you yesterday. So she kept yanking at her leash, ruining any good bird picture opportunities.

Of course, Isabella is just a dog with her own little doggy needs and feelings. But I am the human in this relationship, and it's my responsibility to teach Isabella the proper etiquette while we are out and I'm trying to take pictures. So I used this trip to help her learn to be patient and let me take my pictures.

A few weeks ago I taught Isabella to stay in one spot when she was commanded to do so. I began thinking that this would be very useful for our current situation. So whenever I wanted to take a picture I just told her to stay, and she performed like a champ. Problem solved.

The best thing about this little trip where Isabella was able to repeatedly show her trick to me was that she actually came home behaving much more obediently towards me. That's a very big step for a dog who routinely likes to ignore me whenever I try to give her a command.

Soon I will be able to take her for walks and my pictures of little woodpeckers will be nice and clear, instead of the blurry stuff like this last one. Maybe one day I'll be able to teach her the trick I use to lure deer in close. Probably not.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. I can imagine the tugging between you and Isabella. Good thing she listens to your command, but if she barks, there goes your photo opt.

    Beautiful photos, Ratty, and have a great weekend!

    1. @Icy BC
      I'm slowly teaching Isabella to behave exactly the way I want her to. Soon she will learn to help me look for good photographic subjects and she'll wait patiently while I get those pictures. I'm glad she's learning fast.

  2. Looks like the training is working. I'm in the woods every day with my dogs and they smell and see many things that I would never have noticed if I were alone. They are trying at times, but its worth every moment I have with them in the woods!

    1. @WildBill
      Isabella is a quick learner. She's a little more difficult than another dog might be because she was abused in the past. I'm glad I have her with me though because I think a dog is the best companion anyone can have out there.

  3. i sat by a feeder yesterday hoping to get a few

    1. @Out on the prairie
      They have a pretty good feeder at the entrance to the trail at this park, but the birds all fled from there when they saw us coming.

  4. yehey, big hurray for Isabella. love the photos, i actually love watching the woodpecker bury their foods in those holes or making holes.

    1. @betchai
      Woodpecker watching has become a favorite pastime of mine as well. I just wish they wouldn't keep hiding on the other side of the branches from me.

  5. The woodpecker in the second pictures watched at both of you while you were training Isabella.

    1. @Rainfield
      Maybe the woodpecker had a pet that he wanted to train, so he was learning what to do.

  6. it's very helpful to have a cooperative dog when you're trying to take pictures. Duke has a habit of tugging precisely at the wrong moment

    1. @Ann
      Isabella still tugs at the wrong times too, but she's learning quickly.

  7. Looks like Isabella will become a very pleasant companion for you!

    1. @montucky
      I think so too. She's getting better all the time.

  8. It sounds like Isabella is learning quickly Ratty. Before long she will be showing you where all the animals are hiding, those doggy noses and ears can be very useful.

    1. @SquirrelQueen
      She shows me the animals a lot of the time already. Once I refine that skill she'll be just about perfect.

  9. I'm very impressed if you can get the dog to sit still when there are things to chase.

    1. @Sharkbytes
      I'll have her doing exactly that very soon. She's learning very fast. I'm impressed by Isabella's obedience at times, especially since she's been such a willful dog.

  10. It's a challenge with a dog and camera. You did well.

    1. @Country Mouse Studio
      The dog certainly makes things more difficult. I'm glad she's a fast learner.

  11. Training dogs is a good thing. Probably one of the reasons I have never liked the dog that lives here is she was never trained properly and I see her as big, scary and unpredictable.

    We cats, of course, don't need to be trained. In fact, it is up to us to train humans.

    1. @Sparkle
      One ofthe things I'm going to train Isabella to do is to be more tolerant of smaller animals than her, such as cats.

      A trained cat seems almost backwards to me. Cats train humans very well though.

  12. The woodpecker pictures came out very good which was possible with the little support of Isabella. Yes, like you said, Isabella is a dog and if you can train it well to cooperate you in getting amazing shots of your adventure, she would be a great company.

    1. @Elvirah
      As long as Isabella stays still when I am taking pictures she is okay. She is also very good at helping me find animals to get pictures of.

  13. Hey Ratty, I have just been playing catch up after a hectic week. Glad you had a nice day out...the sky is such a lovely Blue and that woodpecker sure looks like he is happy...and he has such wonderful markings. I'm glad Isabella is starting to listen you more..just remember training takes time but soon she will be as good as gold all the time and then maybe you can teach her to take pictures...or you could put a camera on her collar for a dogs view of the landscape...that could be a good 'Rat TV' post..what do you think??

    1. @allotments4you
      Putting a camera n her collar is an excellent idea. I think I might try to figure out a way to mount it so it sees what she sees. It really would make a good episode of Rat TV.
