
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Going To The Top

I left you yesterday just as Isabella and I were entering the nature park, so I just had to show you what we did there. This park is very different from my nature parks back in Michigan. The parks there were very flat. This one is almost all hills.

Almost all of our path consisted of walking up these stairs. There were some other things, but I'll save them for another time. As you should be able to see in the first picture, Isabella was eager to get going all the way to the top.

One thing to remember is that I was foolish enough to go all the way up these stairs with a broken foot! My foot was actually feeling a lot better that day, but it's aching a bit today. I guess I know what to blame for that. Isabella? The hill? Me!

Did those stairs look like a long stretch in the first picture? This is farther up the hill from that part! And I left out several other stretches of stairs that were inbetween these pictures, and just as many after this! This is a very big hill. These hills are the same size as what we think of the size of mountains. Mountains are made out of mostly rock, while hills are dirt. They can still be of similar sizes though.

Wow, I'm tired! Let's take a little break.

I'm currently working on a new story for Rat Tales. This one is going to be a fairy tale! That's kind of different from what I've been writing. But if you think about it, fairy tales can also be very dark, so maybe this is perfect for me. This one was inspired by a dream I had. Many of my stories come from dreams, but not all. You should pop over and take a look at y current story. It's my best one yet, very emotional. I'm telling you there will be a movie from this one some day.

Okay, I'm rested. Let's get moving back up the hill.

This took quite a while for us to get all the way up here! The view isn't very good because the Sun is just to the left of this scene, and it is drowning out all of the light from everything below. The side of the hill in front of us now is a drastic drop, but there are trees directly in front of us on the steep hillside.

In the distance we can see part of Sioux City and probably part of Nebraska. I'll bring you a much better view of everything when I can get to a different place when they reopen the roads in Stone Park.

For now Isabella and I have to make the journey all the way back down the hill. You'd think that would be easier, but that's what really made my foot begin to ache. It was foolish to do this, but I sure enjoyed it, and Isabella enjoyed it even more.

Nature Center Magazine - Have you seen the latest nature news? You'll have to come on over if you love nature at all!


  1. Making it to the top is exciting. The hills can be tricky, when you think you are near the top another rise exists in front of you.

    1. @Out on the prairie
      Exactly! those stairs seemed to go on forever. But as soon as one section of stairs would end, I would find myself looking at the beginning of another.

  2. obviously a broken foot can not keep a nature lover down for long :) Looks like you and Isabella found a nice park there

    1. @Ann
      I'll be visiting that park often when the weather warms back up. My foot is aching today from all of the activity.

  3. I see, "Mountains are made out of mostly rock, while hills are dirt".

    1. @Rainfield
      And some hills, such as these, can be as big as mountains.

  4. I love hiking uphill and gaining elevation to the very top, but of course, with healthy feet, sorry about your broken foot, hope it gets better soon.

    1. @betchai
      I love these hills, and I'm glad to finally get to hike them. My foot is hurting now though so I'll be resting it now until it gets better.

  5. Wonderful views. It must have made the whole experience so enjoyable.

    1. @flutietootie
      It really did, and the best part is that it was the first time I ever went up that hill.

  6. Looks like you have settled into an area that will be good for you! I spent a school year in Le Mars, not far from Sioux City.

    1. @montucky
      I'm actually almost as close to Le Mars as I am to Sioux city. And I visit Le Mars more often. The Ice Cream Capital of the World is a very nice city.

  7. That looks like a pretty park Ratty, when the leaves come back it will be even prettier but very shady. Careful on those steps with your foot, going down hill always puts more strain on the feet and legs.

    1. @SquirrelQueen
      Shady is my kind of thing. It's going to be wonderful when the leaves come back. Going down those stairs hurt a lot, so now I'm taking it easy for awhile to let my foot heal a bit more properly.

  8. That stairs looks like a long one, and the park looks fantastic. The last shot shows beautiful sky.

    1. @Icy BC
      It is a very good park with many different features. It also has a wonderful nature center that I'll share with you one of these times.

  9. Boy! Sure are a lot of stairs. I don't know how you made them all. Are you using crutches? I hope you are using something for support. It looks pretty there though. Glad you made it back home okay.

    1. @Ginnymo
      My foot isn't hurt bad enough to need crutches, but I have a bit of a limp for now. I should have taken along a walking stick or something though because my foot started to ache on the way out.

  10. In my book, foolish and a little pain with good stuff is much better than sensible and boring.

    1. @Sharkbytes
      That's the way I was looking at the situation too. My foot has been aching since then though, so I've been taking it as easy as possible.

  11. You were excited to making something out of the little adventure to that hilly nature park, but it sadly turned out to have nothing for you in its store. Anyway its thrilling to learn that you are going to come up with a fairy tale soon and fantasy stories or fairy tales are my favourites. So I would be anxiously waiting for it:0

    1. @Elvirah
      I'm excited to write this fairy tale. This is different than anything I've written so far. I hope it turns out well.

  12. Downhill is the worst for forward pressure on the foot even with the stairs. Careful , Ratty.

    1. The next time you pass a tree that has been uprooted , cut off a length of root that would make a good walking stick. It is much stronger than the branches and often comes with a handle.
