
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Frost On The Trees

In the morning while I was getting ready to leave the house to go get my replacement computer monitor I looked out the door and saw the trees all covered in frost. I was in a hurry but I knew I had to stop and get at least these few pictures.

I wanted to get some that were a little closer, but I just didn't have time. The place I went to get my monitor was about thirty miles away. I went all the way there seeing a whole countryside of white frost covered trees. I kept thinking I wished I had my camera with me, but I wanted to get my problem solved quickly.

I passed by three nature parks that I haven't been visiting because I've been so busy. I looked longingly at their entryways as I drove by. I kept thinking how visiting a nature park would be a great way to relieve some of the anxiety that losing my monitor had caused, but I also didn't want to go without taking Isabella along.

I finally got all the way to the little shop I was looking for in the middle of the city. After testing my old monitor, and finding out it was indeed bad, I got my new monitor and drove all the way back home. By this time the frost was coming off the trees like snowflakes.

Once I got home I realized that in my haste I didn't get them to give me the power cord that went along with it. I should have known better. I even neglected to test it to make sure it worked! So after a phone call I had to turn around and go all the way back. This time I decided to load Isabella into the truck to go along with me. I decided we would stop at a nature park after all.

So after already traveling 60 miles we were on our way again. I got all the way back to the store, and this time had them check the monitor. The little store had no way to check this one, so I decided to pick another one. After running across two bad ones, we finally found a working monitor! That's the one I'm using now.

I got back out to the truck and told the anxious Isabella that we were finally on our way to the nature park. She wasn't happy that she couldn't get out quite yet, but that's the way it had to be. I wasn't going to let her out in the middle of the city.

So I got back into the truck and drove towards home. The highway leading out of town was the direction home and the road that leads to the nature park. The best thing is that this particular park is only a few miles outside of the city, so we got there pretty quickly once we got past the edge of town.

Soon we were both getting out of the truck. Isabella was happy to finally be able to stretch her legs. She immediately watered the grass when she got there. We were going to make this hectic day of monitor hunting into something good. Off we went into the nature park.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. Those are lovely photos Ratty- really great, bright colours!

    1. @Bemused26
      Thanks, the winter weather did all the work.

  2. So glad that you had some fun along the way. Gees, that was a LONG day for a monitor! Don't you just hate when you forget stuff and have to go all the way back?? And 30 miles to boot! Ugh.

    1. @Lin
      That happens to me quite often. I get in too much of a hurry in situations like this.

  3. that is exactly how I feel every morning on my drive to work. I want to stop and take pictures but I just don't have the time. Your frost pictures are so pretty. Glad you and Isabella got to check out that nature park too

    1. @Ann
      I'm glad I finally remembered to slow down a bit and take a breath.

  4. Beautiful photos of the frost, Ratty! At least the sun is out in your part of the world with clear blue sky..

    Hope your monitor is working out great from now on!

    1. @Icy BC
      I'm surprised at the great weather we've had, and so is everyone else around here.

      The new little monitor is working okay so far. I hope it works as a good backup for years to come.

  5. It is good that you have a good monitor.

    And we can view more beautiful pictures.

    1. @Rainfield
      The monitor is small but it works, which is better than what I had before.

  6. your picture shouts "BEAUTIFUL", hope your monitor will continue to work perfectly for you

    1. @betchai
      I hope I'll soon be able to get another flat screen monitor so I can use this one as a backup. And I wish I would have had time to capture more of that beautiful frost. It really was something special.

  7. A great expedition but don't you use the chain stores?I walk in to Best Buy and they say good to see you again.

    1. @Out on the prairie
      I bought this monitor used just for a cheap replacement for now. I buy all of my new computer equipment online, usually at either TigerDirect or NewEgg. They're both usually much cheaper than Best buy, and with a much bigger selection. And it only takes a few days for them to deliver the stuff right to my door. I used to go to Best Buy on occasion, but most stores have seriously cut down on computer products.

  8. Replies
    1. @Out on the prairie
      Thanks, I thought there was a name for it. I've never been good at remembering the proper names for things.

  9. That frost is really pretty!

    1. @montucky
      I only wish I could have taken more pictures. It looked even prettier looking at the hillside from the highway.

  10. Those are amazing photos! And something we don't get to see here. I hope you had your camera with you by the time you decided to go to the nature park.

    1. @Sparkle
      I did indeed have my camera with me. My next few posts will feature pictures from the nature park.

  11. Sorry to hear you had to drive around so much but at least you have your monitor now. The hoar frost on the trees is gorgeous.

    1. @SquirrelQueen
      The driving turned out to be kind of a good thing because it gave me the idea to finally get back to a nature park.

  12. I love these frosty pictures! Beautiful!!

    1. @Ginnymo
      I've taken many more of these so I may have another post or two with them.

  13. Awww...that must have been really been troublesome to drive all the way back for the second time. But thats good you atlast resolved on making it to a nature park on the way. And those are awesome frosty pictures!

    1. @Elvirah
      The best way to resolve a bad situation is to add something good onto it. It's hard to always remember that.

  14. Such wonderful pictures Ratty...I am always amazes at the intricate designs created in the frost.

    1. @allotments4you
      I keep taking frost pictures this year, so there will be even more coming.
