
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Did You Miss Me?

You probably didn't even know I was gone, but I sure did. It seems that my computer problems are continuing. I told you awhile back that I was having some computer problems. I also said that I didn't solve them. One problem is that all of my tools are still back in Michigan.

The other is that this one has been a stumper. I ordered a video card on the internet to try to solve the problem, but after getting it I discovered that wasn't what was wrong. While experimenting with it my monitor shut off and never came back on. The monitor acting up was most of the original problem, so that may be it now. the sad part for me is that my monitor was a wonderful 22" flat screen. So I ran out as soon as I could and bought an emergency monitor that is a 15" CRT monitor. I miss that big screen right now.

So now I have my computer back and I'm back online, but I'm limping along. The other thing I want to talk about is what I hinted at Friday about what I would heat my house with. I joked that it would involve squirrels, but of course that's mostly false. In a way it's true because pictures of squirrels actually paid for my new heating method.

The picture above is what you call an infrared heater. You may have seen them advertised recently. Mine is a LifeSmart LS-PP1500-6. I use it now in conjunction with my house furnace, and this has been working well. For a little device it sure puts out a lot of heat.

These little heaters heat in a very different way than traditional heaters. They also supposedly take very little energy to operate. These heaters, unlike other heaters, heat objects and not the air. I can hold my hand up next to this heater and not feel much heat coming out, but it heats the house nicely.

Even with all of my problems, I've gotten some very good pictures in the past few days. I'll be bringing some of them to you in the near future, but I had to get this one out first. Sometimes writing about little problems and their solutions can help let them pass along behind me. And now tomorrow willl hopefully be a better day full of good nature.

Oh! The picture at the top is one of my neighborhood feral cats. He likes to strut past Isabella on her chain whenever he can. She can't catch him, but my camera can.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. Kitty better hope Isabella isn't off her chain when she walks by! Now, THAT would be a surprise!

    Sorry about the computer. That's so frustrating, isn't it? How did we live without them before?

    1. @Lin
      Lucky for the kitty, I keep a very close eye on Isabella.

      I was one of the very first owners of a home computer, clear back in the 70s, so I really have a hard time without them.

  2. By using this infrared heater you are conserving energy and contributing positively to reduction of greenhouse gases. That's a good thing, plus it probably saves you some $!

    Computers can be so frustrating. You can't live with them or without them, right?

    1. @Wild_Bill
      I'm glad this heater was invented for all the reasons you say. I hope it's as easy on energy as they say. This is much better than chopping down the trees around here. I hated doing that.

      You're exactly right about computers. I've always spent most of my computer time working on mine. I'm glad I love doing it.

  3. Replies
    1. @Out on the prairie
      My computer s running now, but I haven't checked to see if it's fixed right yet. I'm a little afraid of checking right now.

  4. My desktop is totally disabled now, and my laptop is on its 5 years and I am worried about problem!

    I suspect your heating system is a great way to cut down on expenses.

    1. @Icy BC
      The only thing that saves my computers is that I know how to build them. It's hard though if I don't have my others around. I hope your laptop lasts you a long time.

      I also hope this new heater costs very little money. That has been my plan all along. We should all have modern conveniences, but they should cost very little.

  5. What can I say except "Computers@%$#!!!"

    Glad to know you have an alternate heat source now that you can't haul wood for a while.

    1. @thepowmill
      I love computers, but I wish they weren't so much trouble.

      I think I got this heater just in time. I have some wood now, but it's too hard for me to carry it right now.

  6. Sorry about your computer problems. That has to be hard having a 15 inch monitor after that 22 in. I only have a 17 in. flat screen and sometimes wish it was bigger. That's nice little heater you have there. So glad you have that. How's your foot?? You take care.

    1. @Ginnymo
      I'm surprised right now because I'm adapting to the monitor change well. This cheap little monitor is actually quite good. The heater is working out well too. I recommend it to anyone. My foot is getting much better, even though I've been pushing it too hard the last few days.

  7. oh I hate computer problems. It's frustrating when you can't get them working.
    that looks like a really nice heater. Heat is very important to me, I hate being cold :)

    1. @Ann
      Computer problems aren't quite so bad for me when I have my backups, but I'm without all of that stuff right now.
      The heater does a very good job. It holds heat in the house very well, especially for its small size. It has to be used in conjunction with another heat source, but together they work very well.

  8. I was counting the number of days ....

    1. @Rainfield
      It seemed like an eternity, didn't it?

  9. i would be so lost if my laptop breaks down, as i have no idea at all with hardware :( glad you had your new heating system and being paid off by pictures of squirrels, that's so wonderful.

    1. @betchai
      I have never had a laptop. I want to one day get one so I can learn to work on them. I know they're more difficult than desktops.

  10. Sorry to hear about the computer problems Ratty, but then I know you are like us and have been building your own for a long time so you'll figure it out.

    I like your photo of the feral. I'm going to be trapping some ferals next week so you know what I'm thinking about when I look at the photo.

    1. @SquirrelQueen
      If I had my other parts with me my computer problems would have been solved over a month ago. I'll get it one of these times.

      I'd do the same thing with the cats around here, but I don't have the resources or enough information from local people right now. They seem content and they're not really multiplying out of control, so I'll see what happens.

  11. Replies
    1. @montucky
      Me too! It wasn't very long, but it seemed like an eternity to me.

  12. It's cool to be back,isn't it?

    Your neighborhood cat is cool!

    1. @Webbielady
      I'm very glad to be back. I'll be even happier when I finally get situated the right way in my new home. I like the cat as long as it stays in its own territory.

  13. I've never seen a heater like that. Of course, here in southern California, we don't need too much heater power. Although us cats certainly love it when the heater does come on!

    1. @Sparkle
      This kind of heater would actually be perfect for your area. Even though it doesn't get cold very often, this heater would keep it that way on those odd chilly nights without taking much power at all. And it's probably the most environmentally friendly heat source there is right now.

  14. Its difficult to stay away from writing when it has become part of life and I understand how hard it was when your system was down and you had to go with a small screen monitor in its place. And the heater you've mentioned looks and sounds cool.

    1. @Elvirah
      The good thing is that I've adjusted to the smaller monitor very well and my heater is also working well, so I'm happy with it all.
