
Monday, February 13, 2012

Watching Hawks

I got a good surprise when I got up in the morning to let the dog outside. For some reason Isabella wanted to go out the back door, which is unusual for her because she has more room to run in the front. When I opened the back door I heard the sound of birds everywhere.

Then as I looked up into the sky I saw a big bird flying right towards one of the closer trees. It was definitely a hawk! I quickly ran to get my camera, hoping I could get back out here before it flew away. I've seen hawks out here before, but only at times I couldn't get to my camera.

When I got back outside I looked to the tree it was in only to see it flying away. I missed another opportunity. But wait! There was another one in that tree. This one flew in the other direction to another nearby tree! I hobbled closer to that tree as fast as I could.

The hawk was waiting in plain sight as I began taking my pictures. The whole time I clicked the button on the camera I was hoping at least a couple of these pictures came out okay. It seems like my photography skills have somewhat diminished since I got here. I keep questioning myself and my camera, but maybe it's just that I'm a little out of practice.

As it turned out I got two good pictures, with the hawk in four of them. Two were blurry, but that's to be expected. The two good ones were a little dark, but I brightened them up a bit. This little outing was a good success. Even thought there are a lot of them around here, it's not often that I get pictures of a hawk.

I've been encouraged the past few days by a few projects I've been planning. Some of them are blog related, and some of them are not. I hope this positive attitude can stick around. It was cold for a couple of days so I lit the wood stove back up. But my new infrared heater is working very well.

I'll be back soon with some more good bird sightings, but if you need something good to read in the meantime go over to Nature Center Magazine to check out the excellent Latest News headlines. I've been hooked on them ever since we added that feature.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. Well done Ratty! I wish I could be even half as good as you are with photography. Great shots. What kind of hawk is that?

    1. @Don't unplug your hub
      I sometimes doubt my photography skills, especially when I'm a little out of practice. According to Sharkbytes the hawk is a rough-legged-hawk. I haven't had time to find out myself, as I'll explain in an upcoming post.

  2. Some wonderful shots Ratty...It's not very often you can get close enough to get such a good shot of a bird of prey.

    1. @allotments4you
      There are plenty of them around here, so I might have a lot more chances. I actually see one almost every day, but I usually don't have my camera at the time.

  3. Replies
    1. @Out on the prairie
      I was lucky that he was right in my backyard.

  4. Your pictures turned out fantastic, Ratty! It's such a thrill for me to see the hawk, especially where I live, but there are a few hawks that hanging around here year after year. Just amazing to see..

    1. @Icy BC
      There are actually a lot of hawks here, but I've had only a few chances to get any pictures of them. I hope that will change soon.

  5. They turned out great. He's really watching you. What's he chasing in your yard?

    1. @Country Mouse Studio
      My yard was full of birds that day. The hawk was chasing them.

  6. You got some good shots there. How exciting spotting them.

    1. @Ann
      I was lucky the dog wanted out at the right time.

  7. I tried, and am going to try again, to get as close to a hawk as you do.

    1. @Rainfield
      I hope you are able to get even closer.

  8. Shots really are amazing. I didn't see hawk's pictures like it. Rare one.

    1. @Luray VA Accommodations
      I get them every few months. Hawks are always fun.

  9. This is just weird. You have a rough-legged hawk. The one I just showed at but yours is in the light phase, and John at Some Assembly Required just had a pic of one too.

    1. @Sharkbytes
      Thanks for the ID. I've been having computer problems so I couldn't do too much research to find out myself.

  10. Those are awesome hawk photos! We don't see that particular type of hawk around here, so it's especially cool to get a look at this one.

    1. @Sparkle
      We have plenty of them, and many others. It's fun seeing them.

  11. I especially like the first photo. That's a very pretty bird!

  12. I think your photos of the hawk turned out just fine Ratty, they can be hard to get sometimes. I really enjoy watching the ones that hunt for mice in the field near our house. Can't wait to see more photos of yours.

    1. @SquirrelQueen
      I'm getting more and more eager every day to go out and get some pictures of the many many hawks we have around here.
