
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Snow Post With... Snow

It snowed again! I've been checking the weather every day, so I knew there would be a small amount of snow coming. but when I opened the door yesterday morning I was shocked to find a couple of inches of this year's unusual white stuff.

I've gotten used to not having any snow on the ground, so I can't say this was a welcome event. The first thing that came to my mind though was to go out and get a few pictures. As you can see, they already had the road plowed before I even went out. That's pretty good for a small town like this one. They might not have gotten it done this fast in Detroit, if at all.

I guess the snow is a good thing because it keeps me inside a little more. My foot has been aching because I've been on it too much, so I think I need to rest it a bit right now. It didn't help that I was running up and down the street in the snow. Can you guess why I was doing that?

I had a big slobbery crazy dog named Isabella chasing me! That chain makes it look like she can't go anywhere, but she can actually go quite a long way. It allows her to run along the whole block before she reaches the end. And even then it has some give so that she doesn't get jerked to a halt.

Can you tell that I had to edit these pictures a bit to get them to come out right? My snow pictures always come out dark. it was actually a very bright day. I had to shield my eyes when I first looked out at the snow because it was too bright. And Isabella always looks like a shadow in these pictures before I adjust them.

Next time I'll come back and show you some amazingly fun and unique creatures I found looking down at me from the trees. Is that an exaggeration or did I really find snow monkeys?  I guess you'll have to come back and read my next post to find out.

Snow monkeys.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. Our snow has all gone now Ratty for which I am very grateful but Isdabella sure look slike she had some fun in ti...can't wait to find out about the snow monkeys!!

    1. @allotments4you
      Our snow is all melting away too. The snow monkeys are coming, even if they are a little late.

  2. I like that picture of Isabella with the white background. Our snow melted a little, but now we're getting some more.

    1. @Icy BC
      This picture was after a fresh snow, but it's almost gone now. Isabella did love it though.

  3. Hi Ratty, That picture of isabella is lovely- a really great photo!

    1. @Bemused26
      I have more, but I won't show many more of her. She already thinks she's a star.

  4. Well normally we wouldn't see the snow gone until April. But this year...I don't know. Looks like some maple trees have done a short sap run. That's about 3 weeks early.

    It sounds like Isabella has enough secure freedom to enjoy the snow. It funny how dogs love the snow . Smelling must be changed somehow for them. Judging by all the nose salivating that goes on.

    1. @thepowmill
      Isabella certainly loves all that snow. I think the trees are a little confused this winter.

  5. Had new snow the last two nights, it is deep here.

    1. @Out on the prairie
      It's not very deep here, and now it's all melting away.

  6. Looks like Isabella is a fan of snow

  7. Isabella looks happy. I've very eager to see snow monkeys!

    1. @Sharkbytes
      The snow monkeys are coming, even though they'll be a bit late.

  8. I am 100% eager to see your "snow monkey".

    1. @Rainfield
      My snow monkeys look a bit different than the monkeys you get to see on your hikes.

  9. Isabella looks so gorgeous in snow, so love how she looks so absorbed with what she was doing. and as always, love your snow picture.

    1. @betchai
      Isabella was eagerly trying to jump up on me so she could share some of her snow with me.

  10. What a wonderful dog Isabelle is Ratty. She is so peppy and lively! You are a lucky man.

    And the snow monkey? I'll just wait and see.

    1. @Wildbill
      Sometimes Isabella is too peppy and lively, but that's okay too.

      The snow monkeys might be a little different than everyone expects.

  11. i believe your dog is enjoying the snow...

  12. Looks like Isabella really likes the snow!

    1. @Lin
      She sure does. It's sometimes hard to get her to come back in. I'm glad my neighbors haven't called the cops on me for keeping her out there too long.

  13. The one great thing about Idaho is that even if it only snows twice all year the snow sticks around for months. Great pic of the dog!
    Dani @ ONNO Organic Clothing

    1. @ONNO
      I don't know much about Idaho, but it's usually the same here in Iowa. Not this year though. This year our snow melts every time.

  14. Hello! Wonderful dog! Beautiful photos! You can edit photos with photoshop...

    1. @Amin
      I've used Photoshop before, it's the best, but I usually use some of the free programs.

  15. Nice to see you got some snow! Dogs always like the snow for some reason..

    1. @Ginnymo
      The snow is melting fast. I like it, but I wasn't ready for snow this year, no matter what the dog wants.

  16. Pretty snow, you have had a lot more than we've had here this winter. I really like the photo of Isabella. Pretty soon she is going to be asking for her own blog.

    Snow monkeys? Wonder if they are related to the ones here? Mine look a lot like cats and squirrels. LOL!

    1. @SquirrelQueen
      Isabella already pays much too much attention to TV and things like that. I'll have to draw the line at giving her her own blog. Her paws are too big to type with and I'm not doing it for her.

      The snow monkeys here looked a lot like cats and squirrels when I first looked at them, but they soon began to look very different. You'll see what I mean in my next post. Very different.
