
Monday, February 20, 2012

Um, Snow Monkeys

I'm back! Did you miss me? ...Wait a minute! Didn't I say that last week? Why, yes I did! But this time you might have actually noticed my absence. So what happened this time? It was the computer again! This is why I had such trouble figuring out the problem before. The computer kept crashing and the monitor wasn't working right.

When the monitor finally went all the way I hoped the problem was solved, but I still had my doubts. I never believed the monitor could cause the crashing, but I also never thought the monitor was the problem until it died on me. It turned out to be two problems at the same time that seemed like the same one.

I also don't have most of my other computer equipment with me so I was very hesitant to mess with anything, so I was hoping I could keep the computer limping along until I could get my stuff here. But unfortunately the computer finally quit cooperating at all. It began crashing every time I tried to use it, so I had no choice but to reinstall the whole operating system. And it worked! The computer finally seems okay, so now I can show you a snow monkey! Get ready...

And here he is, in chair number 2, your dream gorilla! Not bad for a snow monkey, right? Don't ask what's in chair number 1 or 3. You really don't want to know! This guy here was really the most presentable of the three. You'd get night terrors if you were to see even one of the other two. I'm not so sure how you'll fare with this snowy dude in the dark parts of your memory.

Just think how I feel. I had to see those three weirdos sitting on stools in the middle of my street when I went out the door. They were really the ones Isabella was chasing. You should have heard the howl that came out of her when she saw this guy!

If that wasn't enough, the neighborhood children all came down to hoot and holler at the big strange looking snow monkey. I swear, after all of this I need a vacation! There's nothing better than all inclusive holidays at a time like this! You'd do well to follow me there while you're at it. All of those kids laughing at the silly monkey will drive you to it.

Eephus there in the middle is the handsome devil of the bunch. And Simon is the merry mischief maker. They always have something to say when there's a bit of strangeness in town. Those little rascals!

For some odd reason Isabella will have nothing to do with them. I always thought she liked children, but she always runs and hides whenever this bunch of bananas comes around. I usually find her a bit later whimpering under my bed. Strange.

Maybe Isabella needs a vacation too. I guess everyone needs to get away from that many rambunctious kids every once in a while. I guess it would help if their parents wouldn't send them down here ready for dinner with their knives and forks. I don't understand what they think I'll feed them.

I'll be back tomorrow with... something.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. You have the monkey gone into your body, your soul, and your blood.

  2. Sorry to hear about your computer problem again, Ratty! If it happens to me, I wouldn't know how to fix it, and just head to the nearest store :-)

    1. @Icy BC
      The lucky thing for me is that my computer is now even better than it was before. I'm feeling pretty good about it.

  3. Replies
    1. @Don't unplug your hub
      I must have passed the headache on to you because mine has eased a bit.

  4. glad to see you back, yes, I missed you. Hopefully, your computer won't crash anymore. Like Icy, if it happens to me, I would simply be lost, soooo lost.

    1. @betchai
      I hope neither of you would be as lost as you think.

  5. Hey Ratty..good to see you back. I have been having computer problems too so i can totally sympathize!!

    I have to say i think this is the strangest post I have ever read from you...loved reading it though...and I really am wondering what the 'something' is going to be!!

    1. @allotments4you
      I thought a little more than a bit of strangeness was appropriate this time, and it was pretty fun. The something could be anything. I do know it won't be snow monkeys.

  6. too bad about the computer problems. Could it be that someone had monkeyed around with it too much and that's what caused the problems :)

    1. @Ann
      It could be that the computer was monkeyed up. It sure was used heavily.

  7. Well, that was interesting. Did you reinstall your personal operating system too? Just kidding.

    1. @Sharkbytes
      I think I just installed a very strange program.

  8. EEEK! I don't like monkeys!! They creep me out, so I don't blame Isabella from hiding.

  9. Looked at some new puters today.Touch screen looks fun.

    1. @Out on the prairie
      A touch screen would be great. Maybe I'll investigate something like that for my new monitor.

  10. I don't know why Isabella was so weirded out by them. They just look like regular humans to me.

    1. @Sparkle
      I think it was the knives and forks and the hungry looks in their eyes.

  11. Sorry to hear about the computer problems Ratty, maybe it will hang in there until you can get your computer stuff. Of course the problem might be all those monkeys nearby, they do like to play with things they shouldn't. I love the expression on Bachelor #2's face.

    1. @SquirrelQueen
      I think my computer problems are now probably over. All I have to do is reinstall all of my software and get another flat screen monitor and I'll be fine. That look on Bachelor #2 inspired the whole crazy post.

  12. Replies
    1. @Dwijayasblog
      GORILLAZ sounds interesting. I'll have to investigate.

  13. I have seen so many monkeys in the last few weeks. Cute little baby ones ... but my friends and taxi drivers warn me against getting to close with my camera. I'll have to post some pictures soon.

    1. @RNSANE
      I've seen videos of monkeys snatching things from people who get too close. They're smart little guys and they like our stuff as much as we do. I always love seeing pictures of monkeys.
