
Monday, February 27, 2012

A White World

Today I bring you five pictures of what it looked like right after most of our snow fell last week. Things have changed again since then. There is still plenty of snow on the ground, and there are still chunks of snow and ice falling from the trees. But a lot of it is melting away.

I think I'll try to leave most of the talking for the pictures. I really like them. I'm still trying to catch up to the internet though, so I'll try to keep my talk short.

The picture above is in the very back of my property. That's where the creek is, and most of the trees.

The shrubs here were very nice to look at with all that snow covering them. But everything else was white too, so they were hard to see in the pictures. It's all still pretty.

This one above is a closeup of those tangled shrubs. I just thought it would be a nice unique picture.

This one above is another shot at the end of the road. The road is totally clear now, and they actually tore off some of the pavement with the snow plow. The pavement was thin there at the end of the road anyway.

This last one is one of my favorites, but I guess they all are. That's why I chose these five. I don't know the purpose of the little structure on the left. I never got chance to ask my dad. It's not a part of an old fence. There is a fence behind it. I think it adds something to the picture though.

So I think that'll do it for me today. This is what it looked like that day it snowed. The snow turned the whole world white. Maybe the most beautiful snowstorm I've ever seen.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. Snow does give everything a very different look, a beautiful look. We had snow flurries all day and it's still falling but the temps are just above freezing so it isn't sticking much.

    1. @SquirrelQueen
      I don't think we'll get much more snow around here this year. Our temps are due to go way up.

  2. Those are beautiful shots, Ratty! Snow doesn't sticking around here for long this year.

    1. @Icy BC
      It's the same way here. That was just a little bit bigger snowstorm this time. It still wasn't a very big one though.

  3. I'm sooo jealous ... we got absolutely no snow this year :P

    1. @April
      I like a little snow, and I'm glad that's all we got.

  4. Oh I like that last photo a lot! How is your foot healing?

    1. @Grace
      That last one seems to be a favorite of everyone. My foot has gotten much better, but it still hurts when I put my boots on.

  5. Those are very pretty. Even though I'm not a fan of the snow I will admit that it's sure pretty when everything is covered in white like that.
    That last picture is fabulous

    1. @Ann
      The snow isn't so bad as long as it doesn't stay around long.

  6. My eyes are full of snow right now.

    1. @Rainfield
      Mine were too when I wrote the post. Now the snow is fading away fast.

  7. What a pretty white world!

  8. Beautiful pictures Ratty! We are expecting snow tomorrow. More than we've had all winter!! I'm going to love it!

    1. @Ginnymo
      Snow is always fun. But this year I just like it to go away as fast as it came.

  9. Well, the snow is not much fun, but it sure made beautiful photos.

    1. @Country Mouse Studio
      The beauty that snow can give is what makes it fun, as long as it goes away quickly.

  10. Replies
    1. @Sparkle
      I do too. I'm glad I decided to go out there that day.
