
Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I almost always take pictures of wild animals, and this time is no exception. The cat you see here sitting on the tractor is feral. I see her out there very often. She seems to like my yard. I don't know her name so I think I'll call her Spot.

The reason she was sitting on the tractor is because she was up there watching my dog Isabella. She wasn't afraid of Isabella. As a matter of fact she often likes to tease her because Isabella is trapped on a chain and can't get loose to terrorize Spot.

Spot will move in close while Isabella tries to get at her. Spot is a smart one because she knows Isabella can't reach her. And I always watch to make sure there is no trouble. This time Spot seemed to want to have her picture taken.

After she was done on the tractor she came closer. She moved over to one of the piles of junk I'm planning to clean up. My dad loved his junk, and so does Spot. Spot seemed to be fascinated with my camera for some reason. She stood there staring at me for about ten minutes until she finally lost interest.

She finally moved on to somewhere else, and my attention moved elsewhere too. I'll probably feature her again one day. There's also another cat that looks like the cat version of Isabella. She's black like her, and even has a white tipped tail just like Isabella's.

Later today I'm planning on getting caught back up with my blog stuff. I keep falling behind lately. It seems like there's always too much to do around here right now. Hopefully things will slow down soon. See you in the comments section.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. She is a pretty white cat! My entire neighborhood is littered with feral cats. I just wish that the owners take responsibility of their cats better.

    1. @Icy BC
      It is a shame. I'm glad people here in town care for these cats.

  2. Spot is certainly a beautiful cat. I love my cats and I can't wait to see your 'Isabella version' of the other wild cat....and maybe some of spot teasing Isabella too!!

    1. @allotments4you
      Many of them like teasing Isabella. I haven't seen her cat doppelganger for a few days.

  3. Hi Ratty. Spot is so pretty! Cats are my all time favourite animals and I would love to see more pictures of her and also the feline version of Isabella. Great post today :)

    1. @Bemused26
      I'll be sure to show more of them in the future. The Isabella cat hasn't been back around for a few days.

  4. Oh, she is very pretty! And she looks pretty healthy too, being that she is feral.

    Isn't it funny how they just come for a visit and then leave? My neighbor's cat does that--Mabel is here all the time. We'll be out in the back having a bonfire and Mabel will come and sit with us.

    1. @Lin
      People in town feed all of them, so they all look pretty healthy, and for some reason she looks better than herself in the picture.

      The cats only stay on the edges here now because of my dog.

  5. She is a beautiful girl, Spot is a great name for her. As mentioned above she does look very healthy. Maybe she belongs to a neighbor, cats like to roam.

    1. @SquirrelQueen
      The picture actually makes Spot look in much better condition than she really is. Also, people in town feed these cats on a routine basis.

  6. She is a very pretty cat. She could probably be tamed.

    1. @montucky
      She might be able to be tamed, but I doubt it will happen. People feed them, but nobody wants them.

  7. There are more feral cats in Iowa than people, a sad condition.I am sure it is similar in other states.

    1. @Out on the prairie
      Yeah, It's probably like this in many places. The cats here in town are lucky that people here feed them.

  8. One man's junk is another man's treasure.

    1. My dad kept a lot of treasure. I like some of it, but some has to go.

  9. We've had a feral cat around here for years. I can't believe with all the predators we have that it has survived for so long. Every once in a while we get a glimpse, but in general I only sense its presence. A real survivor like your Spot!

    1. @WildBill
      Somebody told me that having so many of these feral cats in town keeps the bigger predators out. I don't know if that's true at all though.

  10. she looks very elegant, and so beautiful. what a pretty cat, and she looks so confident there, maybe so confident Isabella can't chase her away.

    1. @betchai
      Confidence must be what keeps her from running from Isabella. I don't know what else it could be.

  11. Unlike us blogging kitties, Spot is clearly not jaded about being photographed!

    1. @Sparkle
      Spot really seemed curious when she saw the camera.

  12. Replies
    1. @Amin
      Hi Amin! She is very clever to have survived so long.

  13. That cat looks healthy and clean. I have a lot of cats around here but they all have homes. The owners just let them roam all over the neighborhood.
    We finally got some snow the past two days but it will be all gone by tomorrow. It sure was pretty for a while. Take care Ratty.

    1. @Ginnymo
      I wish people would take better care of their cats.

      I'm glad you finally got the snow you wanted. The snow pictures on you blog look absolutely fantastic.

  14. She has a sweet face, but I bet you'll never get really close to her!

    1. @Sharkbytes
      You're right. I've tried to get the cat to come to me, but she keeps her distance.
