
Monday, March 5, 2012

It Won't Be Long Now

What you see in my pictures here is an American Goldfinch. Not very good pictures, I know. But it was very far away, the closest birds have been coming. I'll be changing that part soon. I don't like to lure them in with food, and I definitely don't like to spend money on any of this. But I've done something.

I made a bird feeder out of an old two liter bottle, and I'll give these birds some old breakfast cereal that I have. So I still don't have to spend any money, but I'll hopefully get a few better pictures until I begin going to nature parks regularly again.

The great thing right now is that winter is almost over. I usually like winter, but I'm glad it was a mild one this time. I wasn't ready for a harsh winter at my new home yet. I started out burning wood for my heat, a task that I probably shouldn't have thrown myself into so much with my lingering injuries. I'm finishing by using my new infrared space heater. And it works best if you have another heat source to use with it side by side, which I do.

I'm sure winter is not fully over, but I'll be getting some very warm weather in the next couple of weeks. Oddly, similar temperatures seem warmer here than they do in Michigan. I'm guessing that the water from the lakes somehow makes things feel colder.

So these next few weeks are going to be spent on early spring cleaning here for me. This place is going to see a lot of changes in the transition from my dad to me. Just today I finally reopened the big bedroom in the back of the house. It's been closed all winter to conserve heat. Now I'll be moving all of my things in there.

Hopefully with the warm weather will come more animals around here. Then I'll post more often again. My computer trouble came when I didn't have much to post anyway. The birds avoid me right now, but they'll soon love me. One of these next posts I'll show you my junky little bird feeder.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. I like mild winter as I don't have to shovel much, but get to spend a bit more time outside!

    Birds are fun to watch!

    1. @Icy BC
      It usually doesn't matter to me, but this year I appreciated the mild winter.

  2. I would think that bird food is cheaper than breakfast cereal these days! Your birds are eating good at your place.

    Are you staying there permanently, Ratty? I didn't remember that from your previous posts.

    1. @Lin
      Actually the cereal is left over from my dad so I didn't pay for any of it. This way is really cheaper for right now.

      I never quite said if I'm staying because I wasn't sure. Right now I think I probably will because I like it here more than I thought I would.

  3. TYhe finches should molt to summer colors soon, it always tells the changing of the season.Put a thistle feeder up and they will come by the hoards.

    1. @Out on the prairie
      I'll have to check into thistle feeders. Right now I just have homemade one made out of a pop bottle.

  4. Since we got snow yesterday it doesn't feel like spring is too close but I know it's been showing itself all over the place. I used to have a thistle feeder like Steve suggested but around here they seem to like the black oil sunflower seeds even better.

    1. @Ann
      Spring sure showed itself here today. It was 70 degrees here. I'll try the sunflower seeds too.

  5. I haven't seen any Goldfinches around here yet. The past two days have been real cold and down in the single digits at night. But by Wednesday it's going to be up near 60! The weather is up and down like a yoyo..Ha! Take care.

    1. @Ginnymo
      It warmed up here really well. I hope it gets that way for you too. It was really nice today.

  6. It beginning to warm up here too and I saw a robin over the weekend. Maybe winter is almost over even though it wasn't much of one here either.

    1. @SquirrelQueen
      Winter is going to have to put up a very good fight to come back here. It's very warm now.

  7. hope it gets warmer for you soon to enjoy more birds and wildlife, love that first picture, despite the finch is partially hidden but it looks so pretty perched up there.

    1. @betchai
      It got very warm here today and the wildlife was out all over. It was a great day.

  8. Seeing spring unfold there in your new place should be very exciting for you, Ratty. A real pleasure!

    1. @montucky
      It definitely is very exciting. I'm seeing it today. It got to 70 degrees today.

  9. I have a fascination with trees. I love that top photo. Thank you for sharing :)

    1. @Jordasche Kingston
      I have a fascination with trees too. Thanks for commenting.

  10. I wonder where do all the insects go during winter.

    It must be interesting to be able to take some of their pictures.

    1. @Rainfield
      I think most insects go underground or inside something during winter. they are beginning to reappear finally now.

  11. My human needs to set up a new feeder here - Bird TV has been slow around these parts.

    1. @Sparkle
      Bird TV was slow around here too until these past couple of days.

  12. I'm so glad you're enjoying your new place. Spring will be so exciting.

    1. @Country Mouse Studio
      If yesterday was any indication then spring will be very exciting.

  13. Those little birds work at being elusive! Sounds like you are ready to start nesting. Hope that doesn't seem like a girl word to you.

    1. @Sharkbytes
      I'm just ready for spring to get here. I was too unprepared for winter here this year, so I'm glad it's almost over.
