
Friday, February 24, 2012

The Next Day

It was raining when I woke up this morning. By noon the rain had turned into snow. I went outside as soon as I noticed the snow so I could take these pictures. It had quickly turned into the biggest snow we've had here this winter. It only took a short time for everything to be covered in white.

There was slush sticking to and covering everything. The snow immediately stuck to that slush and made every surface big and small as white as I've ever seen. While I was out there the wind was whipping up so strong that I could feel it right through my coat.

The wind was coming down from the north, and when I faced that way I had to shield my face. You can see above that Isabella is turning her head to avoid the wind and snow. This was one day that she wasn't interested in playing in the snow. She just wanted to go back inside.

Above is what I saw when I turned to the north. It's probably hard to see here, but the snow was blowing in my face and into the camera lens. On normal days I can see to the other end of town, but not this time.

When I decided it was time to go back inside, I looked over and saw Isabella hiding by the side of the house to shield herself from the wind. She was having a rough time so she was happy to get to go back inside. She came running when she saw me head for the door, and we both quickly ran back in.
After a few hours I went back outside to find everything extremely white. The snow was deeper than at any other time this winter. I got many more pictures, and they are absolutely beautiful. I don't want to inflict them on you all at once so I'll post them in the next post or two.

The wind was still blowing hard, and the snow was weighing down everything, including the power lines. My power went out three times before everything settled down. Oh, and a big branch fell off the tree right above my house. I went out later and dragged it off the side of the house.

I planned on showing you blue skies and more birds, but this snowstorm is much more interesting right now. the other stuff can wait until after I show you why winter can be a very beautiful sight. You're gonna love it.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. Your snow has reached Detroit! I woke up and saw a blanket of snow all over. It's melting though into slush.

    1. @Icy BC
      It probably won't last long. After this mild winter I don't foresee a huge change the rest of the way.

  2. That white stuff can make a nice shot, we barely got any this time

    1. @Out on the prairie
      That's kind of a reversed situation from the way it's been so far. Usually you get all the snow.

  3. Yikes! Power outages and falling tree branches?? Wow. I don't think we've had a snow like that at all this year. Keep warm, pally!

    1. @Lin
      It's raining here now, so it was only a brief stop of winter here.

  4. the third picture is so beautiful and so peaceful, sometimes the beauty of the snow does not tell the full story, such as power outages and falling trees, sometimes, collapsing rooftops from the weight of snow. but glad to know your power is back now and you are safe.

    1. @betchai
      My power only flashed off for a few seconds at a time. I'm glad it wasn't very bad.

  5. Your snow is so pretty, we have hardly had any at all this winter and I sort of miss it. Sorry to hear about the power outages but that seems to be a part of winter.

    1. @SquirrelQueen
      I'd be happy with a little less snow, but it's good for the farmers.

  6. I like seeing snow storms - we don't get snow here, so it's always interesting to me (although to be honest, I DO prefer Bird TV!).

    1. @Sparkle
      I prefer Bird TV too. This last snowfall looked pretty, but I don't need it.

  7. The white snow certainly attracted me.

    But not the snowstorm.

    1. @Rainfield
      Snowstorms are never fun unless there are no plans to go outside anyway.

  8. it looks like you are getting worse weather than we are. We're still under a lake effect snow advisory but so far it hasn't amounted to much.

    1. @Ann
      Our snowy weather quickly changed and it got warmer. After a few nice days it's now raining.

  9. You already know I'm not a snow fan but that last picture you posted looks magical and this is one of the few times when I do like snow so I look forward to seeing your other pictures.

    1. @allotments4you
      It really did give me a lot of nice pictures, but I can do without the snow too.

  10. I'm glad you got at least this snowfall before winter is over! I'm still hoping for more here.

    1. @montucky
      I think the farmers might be glad, but I don't need the snow, except for photo opportunities.

  11. I love it when it snows. We only got a dusting in the past two days. It was very windy here on Sat. Today the sun is shining brightly but it's only in the 20's. By tomorrow all that snow will be melted again because it's going near 50. I was hoping for more snow but it all went up North. They are enjoying snow up there for the first time. Take care Ratty. Enjoyed your photos.

    1. @Ginnymo
      I love it when it snows only when I know I'll be inside. I haven't minded the nice mild weather one bit though.

  12. Nice to get a glimpse into your new world Ratty. And even nicer to get a peek at your world in winter. I really liked this post, it gives me a clearer picture of the area that you write about!

    1. @Wild_Bill
      The next bunch are even better. It was really a beautiful snow.

  13. I knew that weather map had a total smudge over Iowa! Very pretty.

    1. @Sharkbytes
      Most of the time that smudge just misses me somehow, but not this time.

  14. What a white world! Feels like the snow queen might pop up any moment. :D

    PS: Missed your blog for ages, my comp's gone nuts and so can't load sites with more graphics. -__-
