
Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Beautiful Day

It was a wonderful spring day yesterday where I live. But isn't it still winter? Yup! It was warm enough that I went out onto my back porch, no jacket and no shoes, and I sat there and watched nature in action. Isabella had a wonderful time as we sat there watching the birds.

This little bird in particular caught my eye. From my spot on the porch it looked and acted a bit like a nuthatch, but there was something different about it. The colors were all off. I knew I had never seen one of these birds before as I sat there watching it search all over my big tree. It even checked under the bark in its examination of the tree.

I found out later that my new bird is a brown creeper! I've known of these little birds for a long time, but this is the first I've ever seen. I knew I'd see some new things here in Iowa! But the best thing was really the day itself. This was the best day of the winter so far, and I wish days like this could continue all the way to spring.

One other random thing I'd like to mention is that I got my good keyboard back. When my computer was messed up it effected my keyboard so it wouldn't work right, so I had to use USB keyboard that I found in the garage. I hated that one because it kept forgetting to capitalize when I wanted it to. I kept having to go back and fix it. Now my good one is back and things are much easier.

Temperatures around here are supposed to begin dropping again until the middle of next week, so winter will be coming back for me. After that they'll go back up into the 50s, and it looks like spring will be here. I hope it's true.

I'm writing this very late at night and I'm very tired, so I think I'm going to finish for now. I'll see you in the comments section.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. That's a very pretty little bird, Ratty. I'm glad you had a nice day.

    (I saw that you stay up until 4, I'm waking up at 4, hmmmm...)

    1. @Icy BC
      Now I think that day was a treat so that today wouldn't feel so bad. Worst snowstorm of the year!

      I only stay up til 4 when I can't sleep. That's 3 my time. My head injury sometimes keeps me from sleep for a long time.

  2. Hi Ratty. Our weather is being kind today and giving us some lovely spring like qualities's supposed to be like it throughout the weekend...I sure hope they're right!!

    The Brown Creeper is a wonderful looking bird and you got some great shots...I bet he was looking to see if any bugs were about in the warmth of the sun!!

    Glad you got your keyboard back!!

    1. @allotments4you
      My weather has just turned right back to winter in the worst way, a huge snowstorm with power loss.

      I bet the bird found quite a few bugs. There were bugs flying around too.

  3. The creeper is more prominent in this part of the state, I first sighted one 3 weeks ago in NE.Yesterday I had one flitting across the alley from me.

    1. @Out on the prairie
      There were a lot of them here yesterday. They're probably hiding right now though.

  4. Hello! It is beautiful that the spring comes...Beautiful photos!

    1. @Amin
      That spring-like day was only a tease. Winter is back on the very next day.

  5. Nice catch! I love the way these guys walk headfirst down trees. I guess you are getting big snow now!

    1. @Sharkbytes
      The bird was really fun to watch. Yeah, we've just had our biggest snowstorm of the year today. My next few posts will be about this storm. I have some beautiful pictures from it.

  6. Now see, I would have guessed nuthatch for this one. I never heard of a brown creeper before.
    Temps here were in the 50's yesterday and then I woke up to find snow on the ground this morning.

    1. @Ann
      The bird behaves very much like a nuthatch, but the colors are all wrong.

      It happened much the same for me except that in the morning it rained. The snow started around noon.

  7. that's a beautiful bird and fun to watch, the weather seems to behave like a see-saw, up and down, hope spring gets there soon.

    1. @betchai
      It was really fun. Too bad the bad weather had to come and spoil it. I hope the next warm spell stays that way.

  8. We feel so cold outdoor.

    But birds are stronger than us.

    1. @Rainfield
      Some birds seem to like the cold. If only we could adapt to things in that way.

  9. I'm glad you got to have a nice day before the bad weather moved back in. We had sun today but they are saying snow this weekend.

    The Brown Creeper is cute, I haven't seen one of those in a long time.

    1. @SquirrelQueen
      This is my very first sighting of a brown creeper, so I'm excited. I'm hoping to get to see a lot of new animals here.
