
Monday, January 16, 2012

That Face! That Horrible Face!

You're not going to believe what happened to me when I went out to confront the orbs, and I don't know if I believe it either! I am shocked, I tell you, shocked! Poor Isabella not only refused to go out there with me, she tried to stop me from leaving the house. But did I listen to her? No! And now I wish I did! I'm not sure if I ever want to go back out there again!

When I got out there I heard a strange howling sound in the wind. No, it wasn't in the wind, it was part of the wind. This did not sound like coyotes. It sounded like voices! I was too stupid to take that as a warning, so I began taking pictures. I wish I hadn't done it!

It was only after the first flash that I finally knew something was wrong. I thought I heard my name coming from the wind, so I dropped the camera and looked up to see it floating there in front of me! It was an orb with a face! Upon seeing it I ran for my life back to the house.

When I got back in and gathered my wits I put the pictures onto the computer and found what I have here for you. You probably have to click on the pictures to see the face, but it's there floating in the air staring back at me.

This next picture above is the same face from the first picture. I cropped it out of the picture and expanded it so you can see it better. Again, you might have to click on it to see it better because it's so dark. For some reason I can only see it on my monitor when I look at it from the side.

After that night I don't think I'll ever be able to forget that face. that horrible face staring at me from out of the darknessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

...Wait a minute! I know you don't believe that outrageous story. You don't, do you? Because it's all a big stinking load of manure. The orbs from my other posts were real, but this face was made by me in an image editor. I thought the real conclusion of the story of the orbs was much too boring so I decided to give you something a little better. So what really happened since my last post?

What really happened since my last post is much more mundane. There is only one real mystery. Isabella. Late in the afternoon Isabella's mood changed completely. All of a sudden she came to me and enthusiastically wanted outside. She has been enjoying being out there much more than usual now. I even let her go out and play in the snow for over an hour one time. It's been hard to keep her inside now.

So when nighttime came we went back out to where I got the pictures of the orbs. I took extra pictures this time to see what might show up. I was hoping for something almost as provoking as that face, but you know what I really got? Nothing! No orbs at all. The orbs have completely vanished.

I have no explanation for why they were there, and I have none for why they are gone. I changed nothing with my camera and I didn't clean the lens until after they were gone. The most plausible explanation for them is dust either in the air or on my lens, but never rule out anything. Logic tells us to always first assume that whatever you see is already known, but it also tells us never to rule out the unknown. Until there is a real investigation, the orbs I saw could have been anything.

It may have been a little mischievous for me to play this little prank on you, but those who have been with me here since before my car accident know that I am fully capable of something like this and more. After all, this blog was once taken over by a squirrel named Mister Nutz. Stupid, I know, but it was funny too.

Even if you knew right from the start of the post, or you were completely fooled, I hope you liked this little bit of goofery. Goofery. I just made that up. Now I can't unsay it. I'll be back next time with something much more close to nature. In the meantime, watch those orbs very carefully.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. I knew I was going to see a touch of Ratzilla in your post today. ;-)

    1. @Sparkle
      After that last orb post my mind began working. Having a whole weekend of idleness causes a bit of mischief in me.

  2. Yep, I kind of suspected a rat too. Cool image however, nice work Ratty.

    Have you ever thought about putting a trail cam outside your back door? I have captured some animals and a lot of animal eyes glowing in the darkness.

    1. @SquirrelQueen
      A trail cam is a very good idea. I know I'd capture some good stuff, but the feral cats might exhaust the camera before I get anything good.

  3. You got me for a short while though! Very interesting looking face, almost like orbs..

    1. @Icy BC
      I've had the picture of that face on my computer for a long time. I was just waiting for the right opportunity to use it. I'll be using a better version of it at some point.

  4. Replies
    1. @Out on the prairie
      An imagination is such a good thing, isn't it?

  5. Thank goodness it wasn't real and you're both safe. :O)

    1. @Country Mouse Studio
      I'm glad it wasn't real too. I'd probably be too scared right now to write a blog post about it.

  6. Well I think it was a great ending to the orbs..maybe you could expand on this story and take it over to Rat Tales?? I'm sure you could make something great out of it!!

    1. @allotments4you
      I might do that. I already have part of the story here, so all I have to do is polish it up a bit.

  7. Oooooo you did scare me Ratty. I'm glad for you it wasn't true. And I'm glad Isabella is more like herself now. She certainly knew when the orbs went away.

    1. @jakill
      Isabella's attitude was the true mystery. She certainly did perk up right when the orbs went away. I'm still wondering about that.

  8. Good try, Ratty. You can't fool me--I've got kids...remember?! There was always a "monster" under their beds that I had to scare off. Call me if you need me. :P

    1. @Lin
      I was not at all subtle with this one because I hadn't done this in quite a while. The next one might be sneakier. Watching this stuff in mom mode will make sure you are never fooled. I could never fool my mom either.

  9. You have an interesting orb story. I have a story, too. It's real. ...I live in a 200 yr old house which many people have sworn is haunted. I've never had a problem here. I'm not afraid of ghosts. I think it's kinda cool. But I've never seen the people who supposingly "live" here (or haunt here). They say it's a old woman and a litle boy. The old woman supposingly lives in my living room (they call it the parlor room). Anyway, I've taken a million pictures in this house, but often get orbs in the living room shots. LOTS of orbs. All over the photos. I never get orbs in the pics taken in the other rooms. The orbs are various sizes, big and small, and you can even see faces in some if you enlarge them. Yeah, yeah, I looked it up, it's supposingly dust. But I guess I only have dust in my living room. And I only notice this dust in photos. Hmmmmmm...


    1. @Razzberry Corner
      I believe in most cases the orbs are just dust, but there are the rare occasions like yours that can't be explained in such a simple way. Those are the truly interesting cases when we should really be interested. they happen more often than many people would like to think.

  10. I'm glad to see you are back to your old ways Ratty!! Ha! Ha!

    1. @Ginnymo
      I am too. I hope I can keep it up sometimes. This post was fun.

  11. You are quite the trickster! I believe Isabella though!

    1. @Sharkbytes
      I believe Isabella too. I'd like to find out what scared her and why she is okay now.

  12. Me thinks that the old Ratty is back :) Good prank you almost had me going there for a second

    1. @Ann
      I hope the old Ratty is back, or at least makes an appearance here and there.

  13. I thought I saw a "ratty" face but you proved me wrong, such a disappointment.

    But welcome back to the funniest world.

    1. @Rainfield
      It's good to be back in the funniest world. I hope I'm not ever knocked away from it again.

  14. hahaha, and I thought it was real :)

    PS....maybe it is just my browser, but I can't find the comment box in Nature Center Magazine.

    1. @betchai
      It was almost real. Isabella thought t might be.

      I'll take a look at the comment box in Nature Center Magazine. I checked it in Firefox and Internet Explorer, but I don't see anything wrong. I'll keep an eye on it for awhile.

  15. At first i really thought you confronted a demon there in the woods..but laughed at myself as i read further where you mentioned you were just trying to play with the story of the Orbs. Very interesting way of bringing up the story with a little fiction attached to it, i loved it.

    1. @Elvirah
      I used to do things like this very often. This is the kind of thing that originally gave me the idea to write fiction and then create my Rat Tales blog. I'm glad you liked it.

  16. I don't want to alarm you Ratty, but I can still see the orbs in your photo. :-)

    1. @Don't unplug your hub
      The orbs are very faint. There may be some left but they're hard to see. Or maybe they're just waiting for their chance to strike.
