
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's Just Snow

Oh no! Are the orbs back? No, it's just a bit of snow. Snow seems to show up very bright in this deep darkness I have here. I've taken many pictures of snow in the past, but without such bright results. Of course I used the flash to get this, but that's the best way to get snow.

The only problem is that the snow is a little bit too bright. When it's so dark the camera has to focus on something, so the snow comes out as these flat white blobs. I would experiment a little bit to get better pictures, but it's not really that fun standing outside in the middle of the night in single digit temperature taking pictures of falling snow.

This must really seem boring after so many days of mystical orbs and then a stupid prank to cap it all off. That's why I'm keeping this post short today. This is my way of easing back into normal everyday nature. If you want more to read then try today's article over at Nature Center Magazine or maybe my latest insane rambling at Rat Tales.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. We had snow last week, and it was freezing! Now, we have rain..Funny weather we have this year.

    1. @Icy BC
      The real funny thing is we're having this strange weather here in Iowa too. This kind of weather is usually only a Detroit thing.

  2. It is fun to see what turns out.Those slides in my last post aren't that far away

    1. @Out on the prairie
      I love those slides. I'd love to try them out one day.

  3. Replies
    1. @Secondary Roads
      Thanks. I didn't expect the snow when I went out, so it was a pleasant bonus.

  4. I think it's a very pretty shot Ratty....and nothing wrong with the wondrous normality of nature!!

    1. @allotments4you
      normal nature is one of my favorite things, but I needed to come back down from the strangeness of the orbs.

  5. It is so hot at my place recently.

    The snows you are having do not seem to help.

    1. @Rainfield
      I'll try to blow some of this snow in your direction next time I go out. Maybe it'll drop your temperatures a couple of degrees by the time it gets there.

  6. On the contrary. I find it quite exciting watching snow fall in someone elses yard :) You are more of an adventurer than I am because the only way I've taken a picture of the snow is through the

    1. @Ann
      It's really very fun to be out there in the falling snow, but only for a few minutes.

  7. Night snow fall! You've got very beautiful shots of the snowfall and its definitely not boring:)

    1. @Elvirah
      I agree, snow is actually very fun, but it's not something as wild as orbs.

  8. That's pretty much the same way my photos have turn out when taking snow photos at night. Little blobs but still very pretty. All that white is highly reflective.
    We are getting our first snow fall of the year tonight.

  9. That's pretty much the way my nighttime snow photos turn out too. It's pretty but the flakes do look like little blobs.

    We are finally getting our first snowfall of the winter tonight.

    1. @SquirrelQueen
      I guess the light contrast is too much for the cameras.

      We seem to be bouncing back from the heavy snowfall of last year. I'm told it caused a lot of flooding around here last year.

  10. I actually think your snow photos are cool!

    1. @Sparkle
      I do too. I still remember thinking that capturing falling snow on camera was hard to do.
