
Friday, January 13, 2012

Stupid Dog Scaring Orbs

I've been thinking about this situation with the orbs, and I'm sure there must be a logical explanation for them. I've seen many scientific theories for their existence from moisture to dust. I'm almost certain that there is no moisture or dust in the air. There may be something on my camera lens, which I have purposely not cleaned since the orbs appeared.

I did this to see if the orbs would appear in the same places in my pictures. The only problem with that is they haven't. These orbs show up in all different places in the pictures, and they also only show up at that one end of my property.

The first time I ever heard of orbs was a few years ago. Brian May, the guitar player of the rock group Queen, was having a very similar experience with them, but his orbs were in the daytime. He also happens to have a doctorate in astronomy. He also did his own investigation. He thought for quite some time that maybe he had found actual spirits until he finally determined that they were nothing more than dust particles. He was even able to reproduce them. I won't investigate that far, but I'm also convinced there is a very logical explanation.

My only real problem with this whole event is that my dog Isabella became afraid of something out there at the very same time I photographed the bright orbs. she rushed me back into the house, and she has been refusing to go back outside ever since. This is a dog that begs to go outside several times a night.

I've had to force her to go outside to use the toilet a few times, but she tries to run from me so she can stay inside. When she gets out there it is all very quick, and she's ready to go back in. I haven't found anything physically wrong with her. She just doesn't want to be outside right now. I still have to go out to refill the wood stove.

But let's move on to something else for now. How many of you have seen Blogger's new commenting system? I've been waiting for this change for years now. Blogger has made it so that we can now reply to individual comments! This is great for those of us who like answering comments. If you want this on your Blogger blog you have to enable embedded comments below the post. It's worth it.

I've been waiting to get that geeky information out for the past two days, but those crazy orbs have taken all of my focus. I plan on going back out at least one more time before my next post to get more pictures of them. If I get more I'll clean my camera lens and then see what happens after more pictures. If that doesn't work I'm going to follow the orbs into the darkness to see how far they go back there.

I feel a strong need to find the solution to the orbs with my limited knowledge and resources. Whatever happens, there will be only one more post dealing with orbs. I'm guessing that they're just a trick of light, but some other possibilities are more fun. I'll be back Monday with my findings. Wish me luck.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. I think the 'orb pictures and the mystery is great...maybe it's something for Rat Tales??

    As for the new commenting system on blogger...I am very happy with it. It make replying so much easier as before I had to keep scrolling backwards and forwards and remembering who put what...i like it when ,life is made just a little bit simpler!!

    1. @allotments4you
      I've been trying to think of a way to make a story for Rat Tales out of this. Maybe if I end up getting a big scare out of it then I'll have a my story.

      I feel exactly the same about the new commenting system. I never liked the old way for the same reason as you. I've been hoping for this new system for years.

  2. Hey Ratty. I get these 'orbs' all the time on pictures from my Panasonic Lumix compact camera. I have always just put it down to dust or other miniscule particles in the air. They obviously only show up in low liht situations. I never get it with my big Canon DSLR. Strange huh? I hope you find your answers!!!

    1. @Bemused26
      I think most of the time they are indeed dust or other particles. They probably are this time too, but they seem to be defying logic for me. If I find nothing logical, I'll chase them into the darkness where I'm seeing them.

  3. You go alone out there to look for the orbs, Ratty! I'm with Isabella..staying inside where it is safe..

    I'm waiting for blogger to enable the reply feature for pop up comments..It's very neat to have for sure!

    1. @Icy BC
      I have already decided not to try to force poor old Isabella to go out there with me unless she wants to, but I'm definitely going back out so I can figure out this little mystery.

      I'm not sure they'll ever enable the reply feature for pop up comments, but I hope they do. I think they consider the pop up method old and out of date, but they keep it for those that still like it.

  4. I agree on Icy BC. I better stay with Isabella,Ratty. Good luck on your search though. I hope you will find your answers.

    1. I hope I find the answer too. Isabella would love some company while I'm out there chasing orbs.

  5. It also is really cold, that poor pooch may not like that.

    1. @Out on the prairie
      You're right, she doesn't really like the cold very much, but never this much. She seemed eager to go out that first time though after being out a few times already that night.

  6. have to wonder what Isabella is afraid of all of a sudden.
    I didn't know about the new comment feature, thanks for pointing it out

    1. @Ann
      I'm wondering about that fear too. It may just be the cold, but she seems genuinely afraid right now. I'm skeptical about the orbs being anything but something logical, but the fantasy idea is fun.

      You're going to love the new comment system.

  7. oh really? this is so cute, thanks for the tip, I will try to apply it in my blog too, I learned a lot today from you, this technical aspect of commenting and I almost forgot, the orbs :) have a good weekend.

    1. @betchai
      Yeah, this new commenting system is something I really wanted to write a whole post about, but the orbs got in the way. You will really like the new way we get to reply to comments.

  8. Try to do some video recording up to 10-15 seconds, and check frame by frame (you can use the software VirtualDub). In addition, during the video recording, the audio will be recorded. You could hear the sound for any E.V.P. (In this case, you may register it for 5 minutes and listen to it all, with headphones, cleaning up the audio track with the program Cool Edit Pro).

    1. @Funky Town Disco Music 70s
      I already have some video, but it's all black because it was too dark out there. I think I may try to analyze it like that at some point though. It could be very fun and revealing.

  9. Ratty, it sounds to me like there is something going on around your property, and it ain't orbs! Much as I'm loathe to give dogs credit for anything, there is something that is spooking out Isabella!

    1. @Sparkle
      Finding out whatever is spooking Isabella is my main concern too. The orbs are mostly a fun diversion.

  10. Even i think that spirits have nothing to do with the Orbs, which seem to be fascinating you all this while. I am sure there is some scientific reason attached to it like it was discovered by Brian May. But it is also true that dogs seem to have more intuitive powers than we human beings. Many say that dogs can perceive spirits if they are around them. I dont know about others but i believe in spirits and I hope this is not true with Isabella, but there is a possibility. I don't believe that this spirits can harm anyone like we see in movies, though i believe they exist in real.

    1. @Elvirah
      I doubt that the orbs are anything like spirits too, but I still keep that idea open just in case. so far I haven't found out a scientific reason for the orbs so they could be anything. The one fact is that something scared Isabella out there, and I don't know what that might be. I believe in spirits in some form too. I don't think they can harm anyone either, otherwise I would be too scared to go out there anymore. I'll keep watching Isabella to see what she does next.

  11. Oh! I like this topic..LOL Orbs are strange things. My younger sister was taking pictures of my sick sister outdoors a couple weeks before she died and all these orbs and what looked like angels hanging in mid air were on her pictures. Scared her so much. I have pictures of them. All kinds of people wanted copies to study them. They all think they are real. If it isn't spirits around your property then something is hanging around out there to scare your dog. I wouldn't wander too far in the dark. Do you have a gun?? LOL

    1. @Ginnymo
      The real mystery is what scared the dog. Your orb story is interesting. I'm guessing mine will end with a mundane explanation.

  12. I don't know what the orbs are either. I've only had them appear once in a picture of an underground Kekuli or Native American house just before we all got bitten by wasps.
    You may have a coyote or cougar or something marking your yard. You can't see it but she can smell it.

    1. @Country Mouse Studio
      An omen of some type is an interesting idea.
      What's happening here could very well be a coyote. I've been hearing them a lot lately.

  13. The orbs do tickle the imagination don't they. I agree with a comment above, it would make a great story for Rat Tales. But then my scientific side kicks in, minor in Physics, and I get too logical. The air around us is filled with particulates, be it dust, pollen, or moisture. Most of these are too small to be seen with the eye. Any light source that strikes some of the larger particulates may reflect back to the camera lens creating the orb effect.

    A true orb would create it's own light.

    Following that logic if you photograph a dark area and an orb is present you would capture it with your camera. So basically if you can get the orbs to show up without using any lighting you will have discovered a true orb.

    Okay, I got that out of my system. Have fun, that is the purpose of blogging. I hope you are starting to feel more like your old self again Ratty.

    Country Mouse has a great idea about the coyotes, they may have marked the area. That would definitely scare Isabella. Or it could just be a raccoon or skunk, either could scare a dog.

    1. @SquirrelQueen
      I agree completely with your scientific side. you make the best point about these orbs that I've read so far. And I agree that this could make a good story for Rat Tales, but only if I can give it that little extra that all stories need.

      It could be a skunk or a coyote. Isabella has already been close to a raccoon without being bothered at all.

  14. I'm hooking up the new comment system tonight too!! LOVE it! Daisy clued me in to that cool new change.

    I'd have to guess that the orbs are dust, bugs, or lint. I saw something on TV about this and they had people solving that mystery--it was bugs flying by the light of the camera. As for Isabella--maybe she knows those coyotes are around???

    1. @Lin
      The comment system is the best thing to be added to Blogger in years.

      The first time I ever heard of the orbs they turned out to be floating dust. Isabella's problem may be coyotes.

  15. You are Ratty the orbs investigator.

    But there is less fun if everything is solved.

    1. @Rainfield
      You are exactly right. right now it is fun, but when it is solved there will be no more fun.

  16. Thanks Ratty for telling me about the new commenting system, it's awesome :O)

    1. @Country Mouse Studio
      You are very welcome. And I agree, it is very awesome. Sorry for answering you late. I thought I did before, but I must have hit the wrong button.
