
Thursday, January 12, 2012

More Orb Strangeness

I hate to dwell on the idea of the orbs, but I have something new and unexpected for you. I took these pictures within an hour of writing this post. Yesterday I showed you a picture from the same general direction as the one above. It showed perhaps dozens of orbs floating around. I purposely did not clean my camera lens since then because I wanted to see if I could reproduce the same results tonight.

I couldn't reproduce the exact same thing. Instead of so many orbs, there was only this one very bright orb floating in a very suspicious place. This time instead of the gray color of all the others, this one is a tan color. It's hovering right in the same direction of a tree we cut down last week. I'm not sure what to make of that. We cut down that particular tree to make room for my neighbor's future garden. I felt bad about it when we did it, and I'm feeling superstitiously strange about it now.

this orb was so bright that I saw it on my camera's display screen after I took the picture. There are no light sources from that direction, and it is a cloudy night. It was very dark out there tonight. I was thinking that the orb effect from last night was possibly being caused by moonlight, but I don't know where this very bright orb came from. I am mystified.

The first picture was taken as I faced eastward. In this second one I am facing south. As you can see, there is another orb that is suspiciously close to the same area of the picture as the first one. That could indicate that it is the camera lens after all. But I examined the two over and over, and they are not really in the same spot. If you enlarge the pictures you'll see they aren't as close as they look in the post.

Plus if you take a closer look at this second picture you will see that this orb has a bit of motion blur. Either it was moving or my camera was moving. I don't think a spot on my camera lens would show motion blur even while moving the camera. Trying to take pictures at night can easily produce motion blur while trying to focus on still objects, but nothing else in the shot is blurred. This could be easily explained, but not by me.

Another thing I want to add is that Isabella seemed to be in an unusual hurry to leave this area of the property. On most nights she likes coming down here to look around. Usually I have to pull her away, but on this night she kept trying to pull me away. There could have been many reasons for this, but I don't know what they might be in this case.
I took this last picture toward the east again. I tried to get a similar perspective as the first picture in yesterday's post. There are no orbs in this one, not even in the same area as the other two above. There is a distant light source to the middle left in this picture, so that light is not an orb. I took some other pictures, and they also showed no orbs. Some were before, between, and after the two pictures that do have orbs.

I had so much I wanted to write about this time, including Blogger's new commenting system where you can reply to other comments, but this new orb development is too fascinating to just gloss over. This story has to be told until I either find a solution or the orbs finally disappear.

I haven't gone back to that end of the property since I took these pictures because Isabella now refuses to go back outside. Her nightly pee walks are the reason I've been going out there. And I think I don't really want to go out there tonight if she's not with me. I don't know what's going to happen next, but I'm very curious about it.

Nature Center Magazine - Come get some!


  1. Wow, you've captured tree spirits on camera :-) Great work. Have you tried taking a video to see if anything turns up on it? Whether they move, etc.

    1. @John
      I did try taking a video, but it came out black. It was just too dark for anything to show up. Maybe I'll try it with a flashlight next time.

  2. I don't know, Ratty, if I would investigate further. The darkness scares me, and my imagination would take into a place of no return!

    Awesome pictures, though!

    1. Icy BC
      I have to say that my imagination is taking me in that same strange direction, but I've also been trying to hang on to my logical side of thinking. I'll be back out there again tonight if the dog is willing to go with me.

  3. i hope this isn't residents from the mother ship

    1. @Out on the prairie
      It very well could be. I can't rule out any theory until I find the real reason for these orbs. My gut tells me that they're some kind of logical camera related issue, but I have yet to find out for sure.

  4. Replies
    1. @Amin
      You have joined the rest of us. We don't know either, but I hope to find out.

  5. I believe these kind of phenomenon are usually expected to be benign. The way your dog behaved is strange though.

    1. @jakill
      If it was indeed a phenomenon that has the capability of being benign or malevolent then these last bright orbs seemed a little on the aggressive side to me. And I think Isabella would agree.

  6. very mysterious and it has a bit of a spooky flair to it as well

    1. @Ann
      One of these times I'll probably disappoint everyone with the solution to this mystery.

  7. Put your trust in Isabella. Dogs do not become wary for no reason.

    1. @Don't unplug your hub
      I have trusted Isabella's feelings on the matter ever since last night. I made her go outside twice today to relieve herself, but she still doesn't want to go out there so we stay mostly inside for now.

  8. That sounds very very interesting.

    I am eagerly waiting for something to happen.

    Nothing bad, but adventurous.

    1. @Rainfield
      I am too. I may try to make something happen.

  9. Ratty, I see ice on the trail, it's cloudy and you are using a flash. You've got ice crystal or dust particles reflecting the light. That big one is probably very, very close to your lens. Either that or the faeries are tossing magic dust at you.

    1. @SquirrelQueen
      You are probably right about ice crystals. The orbs began before there was snow so I'm keeping the fairies as a possibility. That keeps it fun.

  10. Now you've got me going too. I took several night shots last night too, and noticed some smaller bright spots, these in color. I had edited them out, but I reverted a photo to the original and could see them. These are in colors and smaller than the ones you have. Photos at 1/2 second, tripod mount, no flash, and here we have no light "pollution".

    1. @Montucky
      Playing with these orb photos is fun, isn't it. 'm more interested in how you get night shots without flash though. I can't seem to get them even with directions.

  11. Ratty, I think you are living one of your short stories!

    1. @Sparkle
      I think you may be right. I hope this one has a happy ending.

  12. I think the larger orb looks great...maybe it was just the tree spirits letting you know that they understood why you had to do it and that they will still stay around and produce new growth for A being being directly attached to the earth thy understand the need for recycling and did or do intend to plant a new tree in place of the one you had to fell didn't you Ratty?!?!?!

    1. @allotments4you
      No, I didn't plant a new tree. There are plenty of other little trees waiting to grow. Cutting down that one tree gives the others a chance to be big now. Planting a new tree would either stifle these others or stifle the one I plant.

  13. It looks like that these Orbs you see are trying to play with you. One day you see many around and the other day you just find one and others disappear. Like you said there must be something strange happening with the place there who knows; besides Isabella wouldn't allow you to stay there long. And its exciting and as well fascinating to hear such stuff.

    1. @Elvirah
      Yes, this has been a very exciting adventure for me. These orbs are like nothing else I've ever encountered. I hope to keep it as fun as I can until I find the answer to the orbs.

  14. That is really strange, Ratty...dogs can be quite sensitive, I think, to unknown forces of nature. So, when she skedaddles in, perhaps you should, as well.

    1. @RNSANE
      That's exactly what I did. I was really only going out there because the dog needed to be walked, so when she wouldn't go out then neither did I.

    2. hi, i live in central tx, there is a small creek that runs into a larger creek not to far from my residence ( rural). i have had a game camera for about 4mos. or so, i was just curious about whats going on back there, i have moved it several times the last time to the convergence of the creeks. i went and got it after about 3wks, i have a video of a floating white orb that moves in and out of the frame. after looking at some of the other vids , i have seen some other things that are kind of weird. my husband went to radio shack and was telling one of the sales guys he knows and he asked if it was a floating orb, soooo i am going to take the sd card tomorrow and see what he has to say. no flash on cam, infared and there is also a racoon in the pic that doesnt seem alarmed so i dont think a person is involved, at 12:45 am
