
Friday, January 27, 2012

Animals Where Are You?

I've been busy. I've been tired. And I almost forgot! I mentioned to a few people the other day that I was going to be taking a trip on the suddenly ice covered roads around here. I was worried that I was going to have some problems, but it turns out my fears of me and my truck spinning out of control came to absolutely nothing. There was some ice, but the truck handled it very well.

Something else that seems to keep coming to nothing lately is my search for pictures of wild animals, any wild animals. I've been too busy to go very far from home this past month, so I've had to search for nature here on my own property. I'm glad this place is as wild as a good nature park in places.

But I seem to keep going out when the animals have left. We get huge flocks of birds around here every morning, but I've been late getting out there each and every day. It's my own fault, but that's the way it has been.

I do have these two very bad pictures of this little bird that was a complete expert at avoiding my camera. I kept hoping he would come out so I could make him an international celebrity, but he was quite obviously a bit shy. I have plenty of stories like this. These Iowa birds are hard hard hard to get on camera. 

I also intended to have a post ready for you yesterday, but for some reason after getting back from my incredibly exciting trip to some place so fun that I forget what it was about I found myself to be so tired that I fell asleep before I could write the post. I guess that's the way it goes.

I think I'm going to try to concentrate extra hard this weekend on catching up with those darn birds, or rabbits, or opossums, maybe a deer or two, or how about the squirrel again, or even that stinky old skunk would be good.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. I think he is an adorable little bird...any idea what it was??

    I think it's good that nature is being so elusive right now.....but don't worry Ratty, spring is just around the corner and then all the animals will be back out to play in full force!!

    1. @allotments4you
      I think it is a junco, but I can't be sure because I never got a clear look at him.

      It doesn't help that I'm kind of hiding from nature either. This has been a very busy winter for me.

  2. Looks like you have more snow than we do here in Detroit. Squirrels are the only animals that still run amok around here.

    1. @Icy BC
      I think we do have a little bit more snow, but not much. Squirrels are the only ones I've been seeing much as well.

  3. you need to have a feeder or two and those birds will flock in

    1. @Out on the prairie
      I've been considering a feeder, but I'm still not sure if I want to do that yet.

  4. It looks too cold to come out. You must have been trying really hard to tucker yourself out.

    1. AVCr8teur
      I don't try very hard to tucker mysaelf out, but it happens anyway.

  5. They are all safely tucked away under trees...including the deer . Thank heaven for the trees when the weather turns.

    1. @thepowmill
      I've had to pull the dog away from a few pine trees that she got too excited about. I always thought it would be best to leave it undisturbed.

  6. I think you captured another junco. Don't worry, you'll find some wildlife. Of course, having a dog with you will keep many critters out of sight

    1. @Sharkbytes
      I was also guessing junco. They seem to like it around here. I've been keeping the dog o the dog run while I'm on the property. I figure she likes it there and it gives me a bit more freedom to get pictures.

  7. I'm sure that before long you'll be finding all the wildlife you have been searching for.

    1. @Ann
      I agree, it's only a matter of time, but it sure seems like a long time now.

  8. Give yourself time Ratty. You will se something when you least expect it. I do!

    1. @Ginnymo
      I hope I see something soon. I know the animals come around, but they've been hiding from me very well.

  9. Those birds saw big footprints of yours on the snow.

    They were frightened.

    1. @Rainfield
      They thought Bigfoot would eat them if they came too close.

  10. I love that bird picture, it brought smiles to me since I can imagine you trying to take that bird a picture without scaring him away :) since I do that a lot too, I prefer to take a picture even if I do not see him in full view yet before he flies away :)

    1. @betchai
      Most of the pictures I took of the bird were much worse. Some didn't even get the bird in the picture.

  11. Its bit difficult with the snow to make it to anywhere out and get the right stuff we want. Besides these little cute birds seem to be blocking your view with the intention of wanting you to take a little break and get back to your adventure once the snow clears.

    1. @Elvirah
      The snow is a big problem right now, but I'm glad it's not as big as it has been in past years in this area.

  12. I am sure Iowa is full of wild things - they just seem a little more skilled at avoiding the paparazzi!

    1. @Sparkle
      You are right, Iowa is full of wild things to photograph, especially this area. The problem is me. I've been going out at the wrong time and with a big barking dog.

  13. Hello! Very interesting all these...Good lucks! Very soon the spring will come...

    1. @Amin
      Yes, spring is less than two months away. Maybe then I'll have time to find some wildlife to photograph.

  14. Not to worry, the animals are there and will show themselves soon. Our local possums hid out while the snow was on the ground but as soon as it was gone they were making their regular rounds in our backyard again. I caught a glimpse of one of our resident raccoons the other night too. Sometimes they come up to our backdoor and look in to see what's going on.

    1. @SquirrelQueen
      I'm eagerly awaiting any animals that are willing to come around, but I don't want them too close. The dog really has a problem with them.
