
Monday, January 30, 2012

A New Day

I got up this morning with the sunrise. My intention was to be outside when the birds were around. I heard them as soon as I opened my front door. But did I see them? That was the number one question. The answer was not good. The birds were all hiding in the pine trees around here, and they only came out to dart to the next tree.

The hiding birds only slowed me down a little bit though, because nature isn't just about birds or any other animal. Nature is everything. Everything we see all around us is part of nature. Mostly we think of the things outside as nature, so I set out to find some other aspects of nature.

I didn't know what would turn up, but then I looked to the east. It was the rising Sun! I hesitated to point the camera right at the Sun, but I never have taken a picture of the sunrise so I took a chance. These pictures are what I got out of it. Maybe not quite as spectacular as some of the sunsets I've gotten recently, but these are pretty good for my first sunrise pictures.

I have some Nature Center Magazine news to share with you. We made a few changes to make the site even better. We have added a Latest News section on the sidebar where we bring you the best current nature headlines from around the internet all in one place. This is usually updated several times a day, so if you like to read the best nature articles you'll want to take a look. There are a few other additions as well, with even more to come.

I guess I should also mention my new story over at Rat Tales. This may be my best story ever. It is done from the point of view of a person who is dying. Death may not seem like it can have a happy ending, but this story has one. Read this one so you can say you were one of the first when the movie comes out.

So it really is a new day on all three of my sites today. Every new day is a progression on our journey. I hope each day has something new and special for us all to discover. 

Nature Center Magazine - What happens when one person teases an African bullfrog with a cellphone? You'll have to watch our Cool Nature Video to find out!


  1. Lovely pictures of the sunrise Ratty. I always love to see a new day makes me realise that no matter what life throws at you there is always hope.

    1. @allotments4you
      It made me want to see more new days.

  2. Pretty pictures of the sunrise, and they are warming my heart just to see.

    1. @Icy BC
      Mine too. It was great being out there with the sunrise.

  3. Very nice time of day to enjoy that beauty outdoors

    1. @Out on the prairie
      I keep wondering why I don't go out in the morning more often.

  4. The photo turned out beautiful and you're so right nature is about everything you experience not just one thing.

    1. @Country Mouse Studio
      Most people think of nature as going on a camping trip, but nature is really everything around us.

  5. Sunrise is such a wonderful part of the day. Just before the sun comes , it is the birds I love to hear. They are always so excited to welcome the sun.

    The other thing I love is when the sun kisses the tree tops before it appears. Like a fire. Just beautiful.

    Great photos!

    1. @thepowmill
      The birds are the ones that got me out there. I'm glad they like morning so much.

  6. early morning is great. Catching the sunrise makes it even better

    1. @Ann
      I'm trying to learn to appreciate morning more. It's such a great time of day.

  7. i like how the sun is shining through those trees, very heartwarming.

    1. @betchai
      I like it too. Those trees are my favorite feature of this property.

  8. We sleep through sunrises here - even us kitties. We are slackers! Can't wait to check out all the new stuff on your other blogs.

    1. @Sparkle
      I usually sleep through the sunrise too, but I'm going to try to change that now. Morning is such a good time to watch wildlife.

  9. Gorgeous sunrise Ratty, it looks like it was a beautiful day. As you said, nature is more than the animals, it is everything.

    1. @SquirrelQueen
      It's easy to forget we are animals, and part of nature, so everything we do is part of nature.

  10. I love the sound of chriping birds in the morning--a sure sign of spring! I also like seeing a sunrise at the beginning of a new day!

    1. @Karen and Gerard
      I've also discovered that chirping birds in the morning is a wonderful sound.

  11. I like both Sunrise and Sunset and for me those are beautiful and interesting shots of the Sunrise. And I am glad to find out that you are going to write another series of a story regarding Death. It sounds amazing that i am going to have a new story to read after your last fiction 'Fair'. I am also going to visit Nature Center Magazine website to see whats in store for me there :)

    1. @Elvirah
      I like both sunrise and sunset too now. Before I was only concerned about sunset, but sunrise is good for me too now.

      My newest fiction story was very difficult while I was writing it because it is such an emotional one. Dealing with the thought of one's own death must be the hardest thing to ever have to do.
