
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What's At The End Of The Road

I've been telling you for awhile that there is a creek at the edge of my property where the road ends. But I've never shown it to you until now. You can see it down there at the bottom of what I guess is classified as a gully.

I don't usually like coming all the way to the edge of this place because it's very steep, and I don't know of an easy way out if I fell down there. And it's deep enough that a serious injury would probably accompany any fall. You can see in the pictures that it is not only steep, but the edges of this place are eroding, so a fall here isn't too hard to imagine.

This steep gully is what keeps a lot of wild animals from gaining easy access to my property. They still have many ways in, but this way is not an easy one. There is a corn field on the other side of the gully, so I'm guessing I'll see some deer over there some time this year.

It was very cold here when I took these pictures. Now it's back around the freezing mark and we've been getting freezing rain on top of the snow. That ought to make it fun for driving around here in the next day or so. I'm hoping a ittle bit of warmer weather will melt everything all away.

You may have noticed that I was notably absent from posting yesterday. I told myself before I began posting every day again that I would periodically take a random day off here and there just to give myself a break. It keeps me rested and keeps blogging from seeming like an effort. I feel better, but my year old injuries are still effecting me.

One more thing. I've come up with an idea for a huge change over at Nature Center Magazine, but implementing it might require a redesign of the entire site. I don't really want to have to redesign the site because I'm extremely happy with the current design, but I haven't found an acceptable way around it yet. The change has the potential to transform the site to something much greater than ever. I hope I can figure out a way to make things work so I can have the change and keep the current design. I'll have a huge announcement when and if something happens. I just had to get that out.

I'll be back tomorrow with something that's a little bit strange and a little more stupid (the usual). See you then!

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. We had one good snow, and it stayed for two days, then it rained so we are back with a bit warmer weather now.

    Be careful by that creek then!

    1. @Icy BC
      Our snow seems to be sticking around, but otherwise our weather has been much the same as yours. People around here are saying that I brought the Detroit weather with me.

  2. That is quite steep so I think you are wise to steer clear of it Ratty. Take car when out driving and I hope warmer weather reaches you soon.

    Oh and good luck with thinking a way round what you want to do over at NCM.

    1. @allotments4you
      Driving turned out to be easier than I thought for now.

      I think I've come up with a good way around my problem at NCM that will take only minimal changes. I'll be debuting the new features as soon as I work out any little quirks that are left.

  3. The creek indeed looks not only steep, but also slippery. Like you said, injuries are certain falling down from there. And definitely a little sunny day would bring warmth and as well vanish all the troublesome cold ice around.

    Good Luck for your plans to give a little transformation to the Nature Centre Magazine website. Hope it turns out according to your expectations.

    1. @Elvirah
      Even without the ice I think I'll mostly stay away from that place.

      My plans for Nature Center Magazine seem to be working out well. I'll be revealing the new changes very soon.

  4. Stay clear of it until winter has gone. Not an easy location. I'll bet the deer trails will show the easiest access point to the water. Remember it for the springtime adventure into the gully. Take a walking stick. Such an exciting thing to look forward to.

    1. @thepowmill
      There doesn't appear to be any easy access point on my property to that creek. The only easy place to get down there appears to be at the other end of town from me.

  5. that does look pretty steep there and I imagine a fall could end badly.
    The weather here has been so up and down, you just never know what it's going to do

    1. @Ann
      The weather has been similar here. I'm glad it has been much milder than I expected so far.

  6. I like the gully- places like that are interesting.

    1. @Sharkbytes
      I agree. This gully is very interesting, but I'm not sure I'll ever go down there for a few reasons. Not only is it steep, but I've read that there is a big rattlesnake population around here.

  7. Be careful, Ratty! Don't get too close!

    I don't blog every day--I take weekends off for the most part. And I don't blog-hop every night--I have things going with the kids and such and I find it just fries me. We all need a little time away from the computer to stay sane.

    1. @Lin
      I'm still taking weekends off too. I've told myself that if I'm too tired then I'll skip a day here and there. Sometimes I want to be on even more, but other times, like the last few days, I'm too tired to do much.

  8. I'll bet that you will enjoy exploring that creek area come spring!

    1. @montucky
      I'm not sure I'll go down there much. It's not as exciting or pretty as it might look right now. Maybe my opinion will change when spring comes though.

  9. i also do not blog everyday, like you, I need the break so it won't make it appear like an effort :) but I try my best to update my blog at least once a week :) i get to do more if my mind is less cluttered. wish you the best in your plans for Nature Center Magazine.

    1. @betchai
      I decided a long time ago to only write a post when it is fun. When it feels like an effort then I take a day or two off to refresh myself.

      My planned changes for Nature Center Magazine are finally the beginning of some things I've planned there for a very long time.

  10. Those photos make me shiver! I do blog every day, and even have an editorial calendar (that's what I get for having an ex-magazine editor as an assistant), but sometimes I wish I could take a break.

    1. @Sparkle
      I was blogging every day when I started out, but then began taking a few necessary days off. It has helped a lot knowing I can take a day off when I'm tired.

  11. Having a water source along the edge of your property greatly enhances the wildlife habitat value. You'll see that wildlife will use the riverine corridor frequently for migration from one area to another. You live in such a grand place now!

    1. @Wildbill
      I kept your comment in mind and went back to the frozen creek to discover many tracks running along the bottom of that gully.

  12. Hope you have some rubber boots to explore this area when it thaws,there can be many treasures hidden there.

    1. @Out on the prairie
      I'm looking forward to discovering those many treasures, but one kind around here I don't want to encounter is rattlesnakes.

  13. We have a creek that flows in the winter and longer if there was a lot of rain. And a spring so we do get some wild life. The birds love to splash in the puddles that are left. I enjoyed your photographs.

    1. @papel1
      Your creek sounds like a place I would love. Mine may lose it's luster when it thaws.

  14. @1 Goal Tube
    Thanks for your comment.

  15. Snow followed by freezing rain sounds like what we had last week. It made driving very exciting but not out of the question, be careful of the other drivers.

    That gully is pretty cool. The combination of water and a corn field should give you some good critter viewing come spring.

    1. @SquirrelQueen
      There aren't very many other drivers where I live, so avoiding them is easy.

      I'm hoping spring will bring the wild animals a bit closer, but I think I'll be ready to go out to find them by then.
