
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Southern View

I'm sure that many of you have noticed that my posting schedule has increased lately. Up until my car accident I was posting every day here at The Everyday Adventurer. Ever since then my posting has been erratic at best, but my goal has always been to get back to my old posting schedule of every single day. So this is an attempt to get a little closer to that.

The view in the pictures today is what I see at the southern end of my property. The background is blocked by trees. The trees are actually growing on the edge of a ravine with a creek at the bottom. If you look through the trees, you can see some hills in the background. These are the northern end of the Loess Hills which cover the west part of the state of Iowa from north to south.

Just beyond the view in my pictures the hills become so high that it seems like you are in mountains. As far as I know, the rest of the state and the surrounding states are mostly flat. I love these hills, and I always have. This is the place that my family comes from, and there is even a section of these hills that are named after us.

I found out only recently that my dad went to school right here in the small town I live in. The town may be small, but its borders are actually large. The whole countryside around us is technically part of our town. Inside our borders are two huge and well known nature parks, Broken Kettle Grasslands and Five Ridge Prairie State Preserve.

Both of those places are only a few miles down the road from me. I've told you of my quest to find the entrance to them. I finally did find the way to get there, but I think I'm going to wait until spring time now. I'm not yet prepared to drive through these high hills in the snow.

Okay, I think that'll do it for today. I'll try to bring you another post tomorrow, but if it takes me longer then it takes me longer. I won't put too much pressure on myself. Blogging is fun, and it will be that way for me for a long time.


  1. Looks like you are surrounded by hills, and prairies. What an interesting place!

  2. Hike into them and find some amazing beauty, you are seeing some nice turf up there.I need to go up.I see lots of hills all over the state, SE and NE especially.NE is called Little Switzerland.

  3. It looks very pretty. I like the name Broken Kettle Grasslands. I wonder why it was named that

  4. @Icy BC
    Hills and prairies is right. And you are right, it is a very interesting place.

    @Out on the prairie
    The beauty that I've already seen around here is pretty amazing. I can't wait to get hiking in some of these places. And I think I need to learn a bit about the rest of the state as well.

    I'll have to see if I can find out the origin of the name Broken Kettle. there are a lot of places named that in this area.

  5. That sounds great that you have two areas to explore! Bet you'll see lots of little critters in those places. And I think it's so neat that you are in the same town where your dad grew up.

  6. @Ginnymo
    There will be a lot of critters for me to see at those places and more. Our family farm where my dad grew up is in the countryside near this town. At one time it was within the borders of this town's jurisdiction, but the borders changed while he was growing up.

  7. Hey Ratty...I think it's great you are finding out more about your surrounding homeland and your roots. I am a great believer in roots. I live in a large village in the countryside and went to the local school here as did my parents. Although my Mum's parents were brought here during the war my Dads parents originate from here and I can trace them back a lot of years and I am lucky enough to have old photos to look at too.

  8. Blogging is fun, and knowing the name of a park is fun too.

    I am interested to know how a "broken kettle" Grassland looks like.

  9. I've heard that much of the Midwest is pretty flat. I live on a hill just below some mountains, but there is a freeway separating the house I live in from them. I think you have a great view from your house, and there will be lots of nature for you to explore, once spring comes.

  10. @allotment4you
    The great thing about being here for me is that I have always had an instinctive feeling that it is home. I don't have many pictures from the past, but I've gotten to see those that other family members have had.

    I'll definitely bring pictures of Broken kettle Grasslands to you as soon as I can. It is a beautiful place.

    I think it probably is pretty flat in other places, but the state of Iowa has a lot of hills. I've traveled to states west of here, and they are flat in the places I've been.

  11. I love the silhouettes of crooked trees as a border for a space. Thanks for sharing a bit of your new personal world.

  12. @Sharkbytes
    I like them too. I wasn't sure how anyone else would like the pictures though.
