
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

For The Birds

I've been watching birds around my house a lot because my schedule doesn't give me much time to go anywhere right now. And the weather hasn't been too kind in the last week or so either. It's been pretty cold around here. One day it was as low as -2° F/-19° C.

Because of the weather I'm not used to yet and since I'm still getting used to my surroundings, I'm doing my best to experience nature right here at home, and there is plenty of it. Many of the birds I've shown you have been in my own trees on my property.

Some days though they don't come very close so I have to rely on my camera's zoom lens. The birds in my pictures today were almost too far away for me to see, but the camera picked them up easily. I guess I've told you that one many times before.

So, did I find out what kind of birds I was taking these pictures of? I think I did. I'm pretty sure these birds are red-winged blackbirds. Many of them are females, so you won't see that red and cream colored bar on the sides of their wings that gives them their name.

I stood there and watched these birds between taking pictures, and I wondered what it might be like to be as free as a bird in flight. Having the ability to just fly to any destination I'd like would be so much fun. But maybe we humans don't have wings for a reason.

Even if you can't fly as free as a bird, flight checker can help give you the next best thing. You can find flight deals to the destination of your choice. The only way to know that you're getting a good deal on your flight is to check it out. You may get such a good deal that you'll feel as free as bird.

The freedom of flight like a bird has must be wonderful. That speck in the picture above is one I was lucky enough to catch on camera. Just think of looking down on the ground from the height of that bird, knowing that you can soar up there for as long as you like.

But like I said, maybe there is a reason we don't have wings. It gives us something to dream about. Our dreams are so important to us. Maybe even more important than having our own wings. Our dreams and aspirations give us inspiration to do things we thought we never could do. I'm glad we have that.


  1. The bird can fly freely in the wild, but you have to limit yourself inside your house.

    The bird win, 1:0, versus homo sapiens.

  2. Very true we have a great ability in us and that is we can dream almost about anything. In dreams i can fly and be like the bird you've mentioned and infact i can do more than a bird little magic possibly:).

  3. Coveralls are what you need.I wear them under a parka when it is real cold.That becomes the challenge on a winter hike, staying comfortable.

  4. @Rainfield
    I agree, the birds win every time. We only wish we had their talent for flight.

    Our dreams are very powerful things. We can do so many wonderful things in our dreams, and they can also inspire us to make them become reality.

    @Out on the prairie
    I'll have to remember that one. I usually wear long johns and dress in several layers. My only problem right now is that most of my clothes are still in Michigan.

  5. -2? Yikes. I would be staying inside too. At least you get to watch them through the window

  6. Why is it that Iowa is colder than Michigan? Just asking, you keep that -2 :-)

    I also dream of flying like birds, and it would be so much fun!

  7. @Ann
    Since writing the post, the temperatures here have shot way up, and the snow all melted. Being back outside is good again.

    @Icy BC
    I think it gets colder in Iowa because of the area of the country the state is in. Iowa's winters are longer than Michigan's too. The good thing is that there is less moisture in the air in Iowa, so the cold doesn't feel quite as bad as it does in Michigan.

  8. My mind is constantly flitting all over the place. If I had wings , who knows where I'd end up.

  9. @thepowmill
    That's probably one reason we humans don't have wings. We just don't have the right organizational minds for it.

  10. I often envy the freedom the birds have,,,then the gale force winds come and i see them struggling to there nests and i am grateful I am cozy and warm in my little brick house. Your weather sure is cold....ours is very mild at the moment....I think I am a little happy about that though!!

  11. As a cat, my dream is to be free to chase those birds I always see from inside... or failing that, at least get on the cover of Cat Fancy.

  12. @Sparkle
    I hope you get your dream of chasing birds one day, but stay safe out there. If you catch one though, I hope no human sees it because we are much too sensitive about those things. And I look forward to seeing you on the cover of Cat Fancy. Best cover ever!

  13. Brrr! I don't look forward to that kind of weather. At least it warmed up for you. I'm glad you can see all these birds from inside. I see all my critters from inside. I haven't been taking many pictures lately though. Nothing new out there. It's going to be near 50 on Thursday and rainy. Then the weather starts getting colder. No snow yet. Take care Ratty.

  14. @Ginnymo
    I can see and hear them from inside, but I still take my pictures outside. The dog needs to be outside a lot. that rain is the only problem with the weather right now. It warmed up here, but with that warmth came rain and clouds.
