
Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Strange Little Raccoon

Hey you! I've got a little story to tell you. Don't worry, it won't take long. This story is about a strange encounter I had with a little raccoon the other day.

Many of you know about the wood stove I have behind my house. I was out there at the stove talking to my neighbor. We were chatting about the glories of wood burning. My dad taught both of us how to burn wood to keep our houses warm. It was in the middle of this discussion that I saw what I thought must be a cat wandering around in the distance.

As I began to focus my eyes on that supposed cat though, I began to realize that it was no cat at all. It was a raccoon! That's when I said to my neighbor, "Hey! There's a raccoon over there!" Right about at that time the raccoon turned and came ambling over in our direction.

My neighbor still didn't see the creature coming over, but he said they've been here before. The raccoon then began to head straight for his front porch, which is completely open underneath. It rooted around there for a few minutes and then to my amazement the raccoon came wandering over a few feet away from us and began digging around in a pile of old leaves on the ground.

The raccoon was completely at ease around us. By this time, as we discussed the raccoon's activities, I was telling my neighbor about this blog and how I take pictures of animals like this raccoon. I then dcided I couldn't take it any longer, so I excused myself for a few seconds to run in and grab my camera. I had to get pictures of this excitement!

I was so excited that I was going to get some more great pictures of a raccoon! I had the camera all prepared by the time I got back out the door. But then when I lifted the camera up and pointed it at the raccoon, the creature quickly scampered away to the safety of the underside of my neighbor's porch!

We both figured that the poor scrawny little raccoon must have had guns pointed at it before, and it must have thought bullets were going to shoot out of my camera. I felt kind of sorry for the poor little raccoon, but I felt even more sorry for myself because I didn't get any pictures.

Once we realized that the raccoon wasn't going to come back, we went back to discussing our firewood situation. We both needed more firewood for this winter, and we were already making plans for the next one. The little raccoon sighting was exciting and fun, but it was now time to get back to business.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. I've always been told a coon out during the daylight means it's sick, as they tend to be nocturnal. Moreover, as cute as they are, I've seen them get really vicious at a moments notice. My wife's Uncle Jack had a hound that was killed by a coon it cornered, so be careful!

  2. You got a great photo in the first shot! That sounds exciting, but I wonder what I would do if I ever encounter on that close!

  3. I sure hope as the raccoon comes back and maybe if every time he does you get your camera he will become more trustworthy and you'll get those great pictures.

  4. @keystone28
    This one may very well have been sick. It was a scrawny little thing. I stay away from raccoons if I can. I've heard that they can get mean too.

    @Icy BC
    The photos are actually from another time when I met six raccoons on a nature trail. I try not to let them get too close because they can get kind of mean at times.

    I think I'll see plenty more raccoons around here. My neighbor told me he sees them quite often.

  5. Something wrong with the timeline there! Somebody got those pix

  6. This was a bad experience.

    Both to you and the raccoon.

  7. That is very strange behavior for a raccoon. I hope it is all right, although its willingness to get that close to people is not good for its longevity.

  8. @Out on the prairie
    He looked a little sickly. I wanted him gone, but not before I got a few pictures.

    The pictures are from the time I encountered six little raccoons. I used them so I could add pictures to the post.

    Neither one of us got what we wanted.

  9. @montucky
    The raccoon looked kind of scrawny, but my neighbor said raccoons around here do sometimes behave like that.

  10. See, even raccoons don't like the paparazzi! I too have heard they can be mean - I think the cat before me had a close encounter with one once... but not too close, lucky for her.

  11. We have a family of coons that visit us every single day and night. They come up for catfood to the back porch. They don't hurt anything and don't tear up our garbage. We live together peacefully. They often visit during the day, especially in summer the mamas bring their babies up in daylight to avoid the other coons that come after dark. I love racoons.

    In a prior house we tamed a wild coon mama and babies, they would sit in my lap on the back porch. I'd given them treats, like peanut butter. Once a coon took my spoon of peanut butter and ran off towards the woods. I gave him the entire jar, and he luckily handed back my good spoon. The jar was bigger in his mind. Then he was upset when he couldn't fit his mouth into the jar to eat! They used to open my back door by turning the doorknob. I had to make sure to keep the door locked!

  12. Hmmmm... I had heard that they are sick if you see them during the day. Just be careful, Ratty. Raccoons are cute, but they can be really vicious.

  13. We had raccoons that came out during the day but weren't sick, just friendly. If you see him a lot during the day, perhaps he's just unafraid although I'm sure you'll figure out if it's sick or not.

  14. Too bad you didn't get pics of it so we could see how he looked. I'd be a little concerned also. But if the neighbors see him all the time then I wouldn't worry. Maybe his den is under that porch.

  15. @Sparkle
    Raccoons are very intelligent, and they can change their attitudes faster than we cab predict.

    @Razzberry corner
    I remember reading a story where raccoons behaved like this. They really are smart little creatures.

    I stay away from raccoons as much as I can. I only get close enough to get pictures. They're too wild for me.

    @Country Mouse Studio
    I haven't seen the raccoon again. I hope he wasn't sick, but I may never know.

    Yeah, he ran off as soon as he saw the camera. He was a little scrawny, but maybe he was okay.
