
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Back For An Update

I'm back online, at least for this post. I really wanted to come back and leave a few comments on some of your blogs first, but I'm still very limited on time right now. I'll have to try to catch up with everything when I'm able to be back permanently. Things are really bad for my dad, so he'll be taking up most of my time for awhile more. I wish I could say that he is going to get better.

Let's move on to more positive things.

Does the picture above help you guess where I am? I took this picture of a teepee decoration at a rest area near me. The rest area is in South Dakota, not too far across the border from north-west Iowa where I am now. My stepmother showed it to me. She's actually a member of one of the nearby Native American tribes. I told her this teepee would be one of the first pictures I'd take, and here it is.

So right now I'm a few states away from Michigan, but that doesn't mean I won't be visiting nature parks anymore. There are nature parks everywhere in the US. And so the first thing I did was to find one that I want to explore extensively.

The picture above shows the driveway leading up to the first nature park I've visited. This is not only the first one I found when I got here, but it really is the first nature park I ever visited. It was this nature park that I found while on vacation several years ago that inspired my love of nature. I'll tell you more about it in a future post.

This bridge leads to places I've never explored before. When I came here for the very first time I went halfway across the bridge and turned back. this time I crossed it and followed the trail quite a bit farther. Still just a short hike, but I'll definitely be back for more exploration. I have many adventures ahead of me here.

I think that will be it for now. I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still here. I'm not sure when my next post will be because I'm so very busy right now. I'll try to make it soon. In the meantime, go over to Nature Center Magazine where Emma has been keeping the site alive. Thanks Emma. And thanks to everyone for your thoughts and comments.

Nature Center Magazine - Your starting place for nature!


  1. Well, Ratty, I'm really glad for this update, and that you find time to enjoy nature. It's such a stress reliever, isn't it?

    Beautiful photos, and take care of yourself.

  2. I have been missing you my friend. Yet I understand the reason. I'm just glad that I was able to spend time with my dad toward the end of his days here with us.

  3. Great pics, it looks so peaceful there. I started your 'waiting on heaven' yesterday, reading daily!

  4. i'm happy for you that you are able to find a nature park near where you are now, it must be taking stress off from you, hope your father is well.

  5. Hang in there Ratty. It's nice to know you can still find beauty in nature despite your difficult times. I'm guessing it will be your every day adventures that help you get back to normal.

  6. Hang in there,sorry that things are not going so well with your Dad,you and your family continue to be in my prayers.

  7. Lots of state parks around there. I was at Lakeside Lab on Lake Okobodji.Real nice place to stay.Worked all the prairies around that area and into SD in Custer and The Badlands.

  8. It looks like a beautiful park. Glad you were able to break away for a quick update

  9. Hallo Ratty, Great to hear from you.

  10. I'm sorry I missed your posting about your dad. At least you are there where it's important to be right now. looks like you have some wonderful trails ahead to explore there. The pictures are beautiful!! Take care and I hope everything will work out okay.

  11. Glad you checked in, Ratty. We sure miss ya!

    Take care of your dad, but be sure to take care of YOURSELF as well!

  12. I see the changes in the colors of the photos... autumn is indeed ion the air!

    Welcome back Ratty!

  13. Even if you don't have time to blog about it, I hope you are taking the time to visit local nature parks - they are so good for the spirit. And there are some great ones where you are right now - different from Michigan, but just as lovely.

  14. That bridge just absolutely draws me in. Want to hike there!

    Take care of yourself, buddy.

  15. Sorry to hear about your dad being sick. Hope he'll recover speedily.

    And as always such beautiful places you come across. Love that ruddy orange tones of the shrubs in the 2nd pic. And a very inviting path in the 3rd pic.

  16. I suddenly saw your rat head while scrolling the screen.

    It is so good to hear from you.

  17. Hey Ratty...good to see you checking in at this difficult time and I'm glad to hear you are still managing to find some time with's very soothing and relaxing so I think it will be good for you. Take care and look forward to your next post.

  18. Hi Ratty, good to see you again. When you posted I was away for a few days. It's good to see you are still exploring nature. I hope your dad recovers soon.

  19. hi Ratty,
    I haven't been able to read blogs in a long time due to being very busy right now too, so I don't know what has happened to your dad.
    I will try and read backward on your blogposts, but wanted you to know I am still here and will be reading your blog whenever I can catch the time. Love that you found a new park to explore. Hope you are feeling better now too.

  20. So glad to hear from you, Ratty, even if it's not great news that your father is doing better. Regardless, I know he is glad that you are there with him.

    I'm glad you're able to get out a bit to enjoy nature. That's important for you, I think, especially with the stress of worrying about your dad.

    I'm a little delayed with my trip to India..having a bit of trouble getting moved out of my home. My new departure date is Nov 14, via L. A. on Korean Airlines. I'm taking a complimentary two day stopover in Seoul...which should be fun, then five months in India!!

    Take good care of yourself!

  21. I wish your father well...also hope you can get some hiking in to ease your mind.
