
Monday, September 5, 2011

Taking Some Time Off

Many of you have noticed that I haven't been active here or on other blogs for about a week. This is because I've been very busy, and things are only going to get busier for me for a little while. My dad is very sick, and he needs me to take care of him for awhile. This involves me temporarily moving to another state. I may even move there permanently.

And for the foreseeable future I will be offline. I don't know for sure how long it's going to take, but I hope to get everything situated and be back here online in about a month. Right now I'm not at all sure what is going to happen. But one way or another I'll be back here posting again as soon as I can. Until then there are links to some excellent nature blogs in my sidebar.

Nature Center Magazine will also be temporarily shutting down after the end of this week. So keep reading there this week. Copas and Emma volunteered to keep that site going but I just can't properly administer it. It's possible I can fix it so they can be back a little sooner than I will, so keep watching for their posts.

Rat Tales will not be effected by any of this except that I will not be able to answer comments there or return any visits. I currently have an episodic story there called "A Haunted Soul", and it will continue as scheduled. I hope to be back by the time the last episode is posted. So leave me plenty of comments there. :)

It has been almost exactly a year since the car accident that slowed my blogging down, and I have never really fully recovered from that. So it has not been a good year for me. The whole time has given me a life of instability. I'm hoping that after this next month I will know a little more about what the future holds. Maybe I'll even come back as strong as ever.

Thanks to all of you who read this site and the others, and especially to those of you who like to leave me comments. I hope you all come back when I finally am abler to post again. I hope to be back in a month.


  1. I'm sorry to hear your dad is sick :-( We'll still be here when you return. Take care :-)

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad illness, and will keep both of you in my prayer.

    Take care of yourself!

  3. I'm so sorry about your dad.
    We'll be praying and thinking of you.

  4. Hey Ratty. I know I haven't been commenting so much lately but I've still been reading all your posts as I am subscribed to them. Anyways, hope your dad gets better and you take care of yourself too. Hopefully see you sometime in the future :)

  5. I may not post comments often, but I really enjoy your blog, and I will miss it. You have a lot to cope with now, and I hope things go as well as possible. I hope to see you back online soon.

  6. Sorry to hear that your dad is ill Ratty. I'll miss your regular posts and look forward to your dad's return to good health and your return to the blogosphere.

  7. Sorry to hear all this. Feel free to call on me, I have lots of experience in geriatrics.A tough road to follow sometimes. I am just getting back home after a long journey camping.

  8. Dear Ratty- Hope you are able to do what you need to do for your dad without creating too much stress on your continuing recovery. Take care of yourself. We will be here when you are able to return.

  9. So sorry to hear that your dad is ill. Make sure to take care of yourself as well. I look forward to your return.

  10. Ratty, You and your Dad will be in my thoughts and prayers. Do take care.

  11. So sorry to hear that life is piling up on your shoulders and heart. You are a strong and caring person as this blog shows. Family is everything. We will be thinking of you and your family . We and the blog can wait .

  12. Oh, Ratty, I'm wishing you and your family the very best. It has been a very difficult year for you, but also one of great recovery. I know you don't feel like it all the time, but you have made huge strides!

    Hugs and love, pally. I'll be waiting to hear from you when you get back to blogging. We will miss ya!

  13. I am so sorry to hear about that.

    I'll be waiting for your return.

  14. This has been a tough year for you, and it's amazing that you have been able to keep your blogs as active as you have. I will look forward to reading more stories from your Ratilla alter ego and look forward to the day you can get back to your other two blogs.

  15. Best of luck to your Dad Ratty. I'm sure he appreciates your help. Good luck with everything!

  16. will miss you and will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers

  17. Ratty, I am really sorry to hear of your father's illness. Both of you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Take care of yourself, we will be here when you return.

  18. Very best wishes for you and your dad, Ratty. We'll miss you. Take care.

  19. sorry that your Dad is Ill,we will be here when you return.

  20. Best wishes to you and your father. My fiance's father is very ill at the moment and won't last much longer. It's quite difficult when your parents reach that age. An age we never really think they'll ever reach. My sympathies.

  21. many wonderful picture. I like very much.

  22. I wondered. Sorry to hear your dad is not well. Take care and we'll see ya when you get settled.

  23. You're in my sorry to hear about your Dad...You'll be missed.

  24. You are both very much in my thoughts. Hope all turns out well.

  25. sorry to hear about your father Ratty, I will keep you both in prayers, hope he'll do well, and so will you.

  26. Thoughts are with you Ratty. Take care. xx

  27. Ratty, I am so very sorry to hear all of this. I pray that your father will improve - of course, I know having you with him will be a comfort.

    I apologize to you because I really enjoy your blog and I have been quite remiss in my visits lately. I've had so much on my mind with the prospect of having to move from a four bedroom home to a one bedroom apartment - first, selling as much as I can
    ( that isn't going well ), putting things in storage, packing, etc, and getting ready for a six month stay in INDIA. I fly from San Franisco on Oct 23rd - after celebrating ( not sure that is a celebration ) my 67th birthday Oct 3. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers and look forward to seeing you again as soon as you can be back with us.

    Be safe!

  28. Dear Ratty,
    We haven't known each other for very long..about a month or so.In that time I get to know your blogs and have enjoyed reading them all. I will still be here when you come back,God willing.

    Meantime, know that my prayers will be with you and your dad. You take care of yourself ya.

    Regards and best wishes always

  29. Ratty, you and your Dad will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care and we'll see you when you return.

  30. Ratty - I will keep you and your Dad in my prayers and hope he will get better. Take care and know you will be missed when you are not here. May God Bless!

  31. Hi Ratty

    You will be missed on the blogosphere. We'll be keeping you and your dad in our prayers.

  32. Hope you come back soon Ratty. I got couple of duck waiting for you :)

  33. Hello Ratty!

    I haven't visit your blog for months and maybe a year. Forgive me for that. I did not update so much on my nature blog and that makes me not in touch with my nature blogger buddies.

    So sorry to hear your dad is sick and also for yourself. I hope your dad will recover soon and Be Strong for him. Take care and God bless.

    Rose Ragai

    P.s: Waiting for your updates.

  34. I'm just catching up on blogging again and so sorry to hear about your dad. I took care of mine for the past nearly 10 years--it changed my life but I'm really happy I had the privilege of doing it. Sending you all the best!

  35. I hope your dad's doing okay! I've bookmarked Rat Tales, I'll start it soon!

  36. Thank you all for your thoughts and comments.
